6095 Kicking On and Off Sporadically


New member
I've got a pair of 6095's and one recently began kicking on and off sporadically. If I leave it on, it will basically just turn off after a bit. It generally will sputter on and off only when I first plug it in for a few minutes. Then it stays off.

I generally run them on my Apex Classic on the variable ports 1/2. I've been having some trouble getting them linked up on their program so right now I have the link cable unplugged. So their totally on their own with no controller. These units do not have their own controllers like the newer ones.

Today I gave the pump a vinegar soak, cleaning, and reseated the impeller.

The sputtering looks like they do when they're on a ramp program and hit that point where they're on the threshold of running, around 30%. Just for reference.

Posting this hoping that somebody has some sort of tip. Thanks!
Make sure that the metal shaft is rigidly fixed in the motor, if these come out with the impeller that is likely the cause of the problem, otherwise this likely indicates the motor circuitry is damaged. As a general rule due to capacitor life span limitations, DC pump last 7-8 years at most, I am not sure of the age, but that would be something to keep in mind. You can replace just the motor for much less than a new pump, part 6055.100.