6095 or 6105 for 75g Tank

Desert Sea

I'm in the equipment acquiring stage for my 75 gallon setup. It will be a mixed reef with sps coral. I'm considering going with either a Tunze 6095 or 6105 power head. My thought is to use two, one on each end of the tank. Anyone have a recommendation on which pump makes the most sense?

I have 2 6095 in a 36" 90 gallon mixed, and its great. Like that they are smaller. Only run max 60%, so I think they would be enough for a 4' tank.

Tried a 6105 and needed it pretty low or it was blowing sand, and they are bigger, which I didn't like
A 75 is generally going to use 2 6055 or 2 6095, you can't go wrong with the 6095's, if you upgraded to as much as a 120, they would still be enough and you would just need to turn them down as needed.
Thanks for the replies.

I've read where you should try to get between 50x and 100x the DT volume for flow for sps. Will the 6095's move enough water to achieve this? This is my only hesitation with them. From a pocket book perspective, I'd rather go with the 6095 over the 6105. And they have a smaller profile too.
With both pumps running full bore, you are at 58.7 turnovers, that is a nonsensical figure though and such numbers predate prop pumps and are what we used when closed loops and impeller pumps were the only options. What the corals need is meters per second, the velocity of flow, it needs to be between 30 and 50, the 6095 is around 45.