60X30X30 Tank which streams?


Premium Member
After going back and forth on whether or not to do a couple of closed loops on the new tank or use Tunze streams I have finally decided to go with the streams.(This months tank of the month helped a lot) I will also be getting a wavebox when I can find one in stock somewhere. So my question is which streams would be best? It will be a mixed tank heavy on SPS. Thanks
I think a TS24 kit would be best, It would now be slightly more though because the 7094 controller is discontinued and we are waiting for the 7095 to replace it. I don't that the waveboxes will be stock for quite sometime based on backorders, I also think this is just the beginning and I would imagine that for at least 6 months we are looking at 4-6 week waits on orders.
Roger, on tanks like this would a 6200 screen help? I've played around switching screens and it makes a difference.
Fliger apparently great minds think alike, I also have a EuroReef CS12-2 for my new tank as well as the Schuran reactor.

Believe it or not MD had the kit in stock and shipped it. Still need to find the wave box.
You will love that skimmer. I actually had to sell it because it's not big enough for my new tank. I think it's a great skimmer up to 300G, but I have 400 total now, so I went with H&S.

You should ask Roger for one 6200 screen and put it on the 6100. It's kind or pricey but it makes a difference, it will help with your 30" wide tank. Just my opinion.
I think the screen upgrade could help but I would just see where we are as is and don't forget the wavebox makes a huge difference and likely will eliminate the need.
Now all I need to do is find someone who has the wave box in stock. The streams are on the way, PA emailed that they got their streams in stock but I had already found them at MD. I'm hoping to get an email soon regarding the wave box from PA. For some reason MD doesn't carry the wave box.

What is the difference between the 6200 and 6100 screen?
MD has the wavebox, I think they just don't have it online yet. The 6200 Screen has a 2.5" outlet so the flow is wider than the 2" outlet of the other Streams.