6100 noise


In Memoriam
Hey Roger,

I installed the small o-rings you sent me for my 6100's the clicking noise stopped when they would come on. But one of them has started to make that same clicking noise when it would first enegize and now it also has a constant buzz while it is running. The noise is very noticeable even over the noise of the overflows and return sounds. I dont think the flow is affected but the noise is very annoying. The other pump is working like a champ - no noises at all. This noisy pump was the worse of the two before you sent me the o-rings. Any ideas, they have only been in operation since September. I cleaned the shaft, impeller etc. when I installed the missing o-ring.

Thank You,
Their are a few causes

Air in the pump, reinstall the magnetic rotor assembly under water. Be sure the hole in the center of the magnet is clear of obstructions this is part of the cooling/ lubrication system that pumps water through the iinternal parts.

The bush bearing (collar at the surface of the hole for the magnetic rotor) may be loose, cocked or dirty, pry it out, check for debris and reinsert it rotated 180 deg. Be sure it is flush.

Check that the breaks ratchet in and out properly, a fine sand grit could be locking them partially open. To check this turn the prop back and forth until you encountter resistance and see the breaks move in and out. Hold the magnet in your other hand while turning the prop. If the breaks pop out unevenly or feel rough in their action clean this section.
Thank you for the quick response and troubleshooting ideas, as usual your customer service is second to none. I will follow your directions and see what I find.
Thank You,
Okay, the buzzing has stopped, still clicking - probably grit between rotor and housing, the cooling hole was pugged with a light gray debris also - cleaned it out. Installed rotor under water, the brakes operated cleanly, o-ring is okay. I did not pull out the bearing bush - it has many hairline fractures in it - I did not want it to disintegrate on me if I removed it - is this normal? Again, thanks for taking the time to help me with this noise issue. I switched rotor assemblies between the two pumps and no clicking noises! The only thing I noticed between the two rotor assemblies was that the bearing disk on the noisy rotor is much looser fitting - almost sloppy compared to other - tight no play

Hopefully this is the end of that annoying click.

The bearing bush is made from two halves so their should be two apparent seems, the lower inside is polygonal, it has many flat sides for the brakes to engage on and these are a bit rough. The upper bearing is injection molded so I would expect those to be uniform but the chamfer of the magnetic rotor bottom is done by hand with a tool that looks kind of like a pencil sharpner and I would expect if their is a difference that is where it would be.