6100 Questions


New member
I am considering buying a 6100 from a fellow reefer. I do not and have not owned any Tunze powerheads; but have heard only good things. I am thinking about just using 1 6100 in my 4 ft, 75 gal tank. Here are my questions:

will the 6100 be too much flow for my 4ft, 75 tank (will it blow sand everywhere)

can you adjust it to go from like 700gph to 2100gph?

can you use a sure grip 50 magnet to attach it to the glass?

Thanks in advance for your help!

i run 2 on my 125g.yes it blows sand and is controllable up to 3170 gph.keep it at 30 -50% and it might not blow the sand around to much.JM 2 cents.
The 6000 would be the better bet if you are buying used, otherwise the current model is 6105 and you can set it to run with a range of about 700-2000gph.