6101 stopped working


New member
Hi There
I have a 6101 thats about 18 months old that has stopped working. Ive cleaned it thoroughly , soaked in vinegar and the impellor can spin quite easily but on powering up it just seems to tick back and forth a little but wont spin. I have a second pump and have checked the power supply and controller unit. They both seem to be fine. Any idea what it may be? what should I do with the unit. (Im in Canada BTW)
I would contact your dealer or distributor, they should be able to exchange the motor for you under warranty.
Well im going through the distributer in Canada but it seems they are going to make me jump through some hoops, annoying when my systems wellbeing is in the balance. Proof of purchase and serial number required , fortunately I still have the former but cant find any indication of a serial number on the pump or the box / manual. Do you know where I could find that richard?
There is no serial number, there is however a production date stamped on the back of the pump between the slide mounted swivel arm and the label. It is 3 digits.