6105 problems


Active member
I have 2 Tunze 6105s in my tank. I just cleaned one, and it worked for about an hour, and now it is completely dead. I just noticed the other one is out as well (could have been out earlier). How do I troubleshoot this? I have a red light on my AC to DC adapters, so I know power is going at least that far.
How old are they? The most common issue is that the propeller/magnet assembly is stuck to the metal shaft, unless these parts are separated before cleaning they usually won't get really clean and calcium deposits will bind the pieces together so the prop and magnet cannot spin.
About 5 years old. Any way to know if I am even getting power to the unit? At least one worked fine for an hour after cleaning. Would I be able to turn the impeller manually if this were the problem? I can do that.
Their are two designs, 2008-late 2011, the shaft was removable and had a blue bushing on either end, it spanned from the back of the motor to the front cover. In this type, you can spin, but you may be spinning the entire assembly instead of the way it should work, shaft stays still, prop and magnet spin on the shaft. If you have a voltmeter you could check the power supplies output, it should match what is written on the jumper (12V, 18V or 24V). If the light behind the jumper is on, 90% chance the power supply works. Beyond Nov 2011, the shaft remains fixed in the motor and cannot be pulled out, it only spans to the top of the hole.