6105 vibration?

I just started up two brand new 6105's this evening and they are very loud when the run on any speed other than low.
Will they calm down after a break in period and get as quiet as the older 6100's? Hope so!

Make sure the front cover is on all the way, a loose cover will cause a lot of noise. Also be sure the rubber bumpons are on the magnet holders. These are the small self adhesive rubber feet. Besides that the noise generally will reduce 50% over the first 2 weeks, and a further 50% in the two to three months after that to about as quiet as the pumps will get.
Thanks Roger,
Covers are on tight and rubber bumpons are in place. Do you think they will become as quiet as the old 6100's? They were hard to hear even when standing next to the tank.
Right now we can hear the new pumps when they ramp to high at the other end of the house.
On another note. I have a 7095 that the night mode doesn't work on. Can this be repaired or would I be better getting the 7096?
Do your pumps have the 6065.650 silence clamps? They will quiet down a lot, and 6100's were highly variable, some were dead silent, some could be noisy. On average the 6105 should be equal in noise once worn in.

We can typically fix that for about $32.
Wanted to update on the vibration/noise. Pumps have broken in and are just as quiet as the 6100's were. Looks like all they needed was a little time to get acclimated to my tank. lol

Thanks for your help.
Thanks, usually noise issues work themselves out just from letting parts seat and wear in.