6105 will not restart


New member
I have two 6105's on the newer controller. when they go into night mode, one never restarts. If I power it off and back on, it runs fine. Almost as if I am resetting it when unplugging it.
Make sure the propeller spins easily on the shaft, a likely scenario is that in your programming the pump is restarting at a low speed, it doesn't have the umph to get going because the prop/magnet is slightly stuck to the shaft by sand, debris or calcium build up. The shaft stays still and the magnet with prop spins on the shaft. Unplugging it works because your program likely pulses up to 100% or a higher speed and that gets it started and then it can keep going once the initial start up resistance is overcome.

Also, be sure you only have made one adjustment, i.e. if you have a controller the potentiometers on the pumps junction block where the power and controller connect, must be at 100%, this adjustment is never used if you have a controller.
Cleaned the pump, verified the pot is set on 100%. Still have to turn off the switch to the power strip they are plugged into. I also traded out controller cords and swapped channels.They are on Channel 3 and 4 set up as a wave on a 7096 controller.

Anything else to check?
When you cleaned it, you broke down the drive unit to the subassemblies of shaft with disk and bushings and drive magnet with prop and are sure these parts are not stuck together? If you did that, it should be sent in for repair, but include a note describing the problem with return address and phone number so I know what I am looking for.
I will clean it again, this time tearing apart the subassemblies. I just cleaned it, removing the shaft and visually inspecting it.