I asked about doing this setup a little while back, and several people asked for feedback when I got it done. It's been awhile, but I finally got it done tonight, and I cannot recommend it enough! My tank is a 4'x2'x2' 120. I have the 6105 in the back right corner pointed up towards the middle at about a 45 degree angle. With the stock front cover I couldn't run the pump wide open, it would push water about 1 1/2" up and was just too powerful. Now with the 6205 cover I can run it wide open in the same position, it gives a good ripple to the surface, but the flow is much more broad. Now I think I can get away without my 6101, and maybe put one of my modded 6025's back in if I need more in a certain area. I'm so glad I bought one of these pumps, more flow with fewer pumps!