6105's on a RK2


Premium Member
I have 2 6101 pumps but I do not have a multicontroller yet. Can I put them on a RK2 for the wave making function until I get a multicontroller? Hopefully Santa will be good to me this year.
I really don't follow other makes of controllers and there capabilities, I believe you can but some additional modules and cables are necessary.
Are you talking additional componets like the Aquasurf for the Neptune controllers? These will work just like the proper tunze controllers ie. turn the pumps down not completely off.
I am using them as a turn on and off type thing just until i get a Tunze controller. I guess my question should have been Will I damage the pumps if I have them constantly turning on and off?
Ah, OK, in that case you can turn them off and on but do not excede one cycle every 15 minutes.