6201 problem


New member
Hi roger

My 6201 is having some problems lately. I noticed that it was acting funny, would turn on and off rapidly. I took it out and cleaned it and placed it back in the tank. It runs for several seconds then kind of "jerks" like the prop is getting stuck and makes a click click click noise before it stops. It then will fire up again in a few seconds and do the same thing again. Any idea what the problem is?

The electronics have shorted due to a defect, send it in and we will replace it-

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
As usual, your service and speed are top notch! Thanks again. I unfortunately am headed on a week vacation starting this weekend, but I'll try to get the pump out before I leave. I think I have enough tunze gear laying around to keep my tank circulated while I'm gone.

Do you need the power supply or just the pump?

Thanks again