6205 clicking noise?


New member
I have a brand new 6205 and this pump is making a clicking noise every so often. Any ideas what it could be? I have checked everything so far and cant figure this out. Does a new pump require a certain run in time? I just dont understand, I have 2 other 6200s and they are quite compared to this. It also seems to hum compared to the others. They are all being controlled by a 7095 controller.
ok it happen to alot of people ,,i think roger working on getting new pin for it but for now,,what i did is open it up and push the gasket back and put some coral glue on it so its stop there ,,and it wil never click again,,,
There is a new drive unit that will reduce the hum and eliminate the click on the 6205 and 6305, it is included in pumps made in the last 2 months, the drive magnet is longer and doesn't get pulled down on start up to clap on the base of the pump. Further reduction of the hum will come with a new clamp that should be out in March. If you PM me your info I can send the new drive unit.