6205 Dead


New member
I have a 6205 that is dead. I know it has a cracked magnet but I have taken a prop assembly out of a working 6205 and still nothing assuming it is a bad motor block. What is the cost of a motor block and prop assembly? Also is there any upgrade option as I have never been impressed with the flow from the 6205's?
Yes, the 6205 motor is no longer made so you would use a 6155 motor and if you just change the drive unit, you would have a 6155, it will be a bit stronger, not much but maybe a half foot more reach, the prop is bigger and the motor has a bit more oomph. The 6255 is also an option, we have the 6255 as a complete pump only. The 6255 is much stronger, but it is a higher wattage, larger pump and it makes more noise and runs hotter so it jams up with calcium quicker and needs more frequent cleaning (usually every 2-3 months). Just give me a call, 512-833-7546.
Hi Roger, we spoke on the phone a couple of weeks ago and you said that you had some of the 6255 complete pumps w/out power supplies etc. Do you still have these? also would I need to send my 6205's back to you? Looking for three of the 6255's what would the total be? Thanks again.
Unfortunately, I have since sold out of the upgrade kits but I am sure we can come up with an upgrade or replacement, the 6155 motor would be a direct replacement for a motor issue and with the bigger propeller would function as a 6155, the 6255 could be done now as 3 parts, prop, front housing and motor.