6212 wave box manual


New member
Yeah, I know it's discontinued. I bought this with a used aquarium and would like the manual that came with it (yes, I read them). I looked around at Tunze's website and I can get the newer 6215 with updated controller (I have the 6091 controller and can't find manual for that, either).

Seems simple enough and I've looked through the 6215 for placement ideas but just wanted to see if there was a super secret squirrel place that I missed for the documents.

Any way to "bench test" the motor to ensure it's OK? I plugged in and it ran...but since I don't know what to expect I've no idea if it's working correctly or not.

My tank isn't assembled yet but I'd like to put the pieces-parts together prior to then so that I'm all ready to go.
If it ran that is likely as good as you can do without installing it. I can email you the manual if you PM me your email address.