6215 performance


Premium Member
.....well its all set up, in a 84X24X30 tank. It is a penninsula with the
WB on one end by the overflow and the return on the opposite end.
There are other closed loop outlets basically blowing up from the bottom at
45* angles. With the return off and the cl system off Im able to get about
1/2 inch wave. The best setting appears to be with a 2.5sec. duration and maximum power. My question is : Is that about what I should expect?
Ive checked the "foam" and everything is in its proper place etc. Also the water inside the WB only goes up and down about 2". I have it at the proper
depth based on the markings.
I then lose some performance when the return is on and the cl system.
Thanks for your input.
I think you need to tune the controller more, there will be a very exact frequency that creates a single wave of maximum height, crest on one side trough on the other. It sounds like you may have a double wave set up given the limited displacement of the box you are seeing this will be half the height.
should I try to tune it with the other systems running or not? Any suggestions for the freq. setting. I bought the comp. adjust. model.
I would use the auto tune feature and just watch and wait for a wave to develop. I would start without the other systems running just to get a general feel for the rough area of the frequency setting. I would then retune it with everything running but you will have a rough idea about where the wave will form. You will want to manually tweek the setting after the auto tune in small increments to be sure you have the optimum.
Most likely the controller is not being recognized by Windows. Go to your port settings and set the controller to COM 1,2 or 3. Whichever one is free or at least not used by something critical. For this port set flow control to xon/xoff and leave everything else alone. It should then work, you do have to have the wavebox connected to use this feature. I won't be back online until tomorrow, I have to get to Dallas for a reef club meeting.
....as it turns out my comp. security settings would not allow the installation of a driver.
The system is up and running with fantastic results I might add. Seems full power and 1.02 more or less is giving me really nice movement through out the tank. The returns
and closed loop do seem to dampen the effect of the wave box....should I consider adding another??? ; ) Drop me a note on your thoughts sometime next week when you get a min. Thanks again for the absolute best customer support I have ever had in the fish business.
Thank you. It was just an overnight so I am back. Unless the closed loop output is aimed directly at the wavebox it should have no real effect. You might try a minor change of .01 to .02 seconds plus or minus and see if you can boost the wave a bit by just tweaking it.