6215 Wavebox


New member
I am very close to buying a 300 gal peninsula tank (96" L x 30" W x 24" H).
This would be an LPS and Softies tank and as such, I would really like to produce an oscilating current to make the softies pulse back and forth.
But since it is a peninsula tank, the overflow will be at one end of the tank.
So I don't really want a large wave as the apex of the wave would be in the center of the tank and thus the overflow would either be drowning or sucking air.

So 2 questions:
1 - will a single 6215 create enough pulse action in a 300 gal tank or would it require a pair of them?

2 - since this is a penisula, will a single (or dual) wavebox create problems with the overflow, since the overflow will be located on the end of the tank instead of the center?
A single 6215 will be sufficient. In general the overflow will be starved for water and then surged with water but a Durso pipe or similar standpipe mod will likely prevent any major issue except the noise of the splash.