65 gallon build

Should have sand and water by the end of next week. Pump will be here Wednesday and just purchased a Reef Octopus 110. I can't wait.
I set up a custom program. I think the highest I have it on is like 40 right now.

that is where I started with my p-48. I am now at 80/60 but that was after 4 mo or so. Your going to be playing with so many variables anyway (cycle, new tank syndrome (minor algae crap)... blah). Just hang in there and take it slow :).
Sweet start. I was set on a 40 breeder for my first tank but now have been leaning towards the 65 since its same foot print just higher. So I'll be following this build very closely. What return pump u go with? I was thinking of going with a sicce pump and same skimmer, and light. I was thinking of the photon 24 with the 120 optics cause I dont think I want to many sps. I like acans and chalices and more lps mostly. But he f I can get a photon 32 for a good price im all over it.
Not to bad but looks like the rocks are touching the side glass. Try to make sure nothing touches the glass so it will be easy to clean the glass and be able to get flow around them too