650 litre reef build from Istanbul


New member
Hello all,
After a long break from hobby, I am back with a bigger tank build. I am planning to keep an sps dominant tank but with ban on Indonesian coral exports I am not sure how well or fast this process will go. Australian corals are very beautiful but also quite expensive. Hopefully by time the tank will be as I want it.

Currently I am waiting for the drain pipes to be installed and after that I will add the rocks and go wet.*

Some info on the dimentions

Display Tank
Size: 150cm x 70cm x 55cm(h) ~570 liters 15 mm glass.
Size: 100cm x 50cm x 45cm(h) ~100 liters 10 mm glass.*

Tank will be lit by an ATI Sunpower 8 bulb 54w unit and heart of the system will be a Royal Exclusiv Double Cone 200. (I am old school) Return will be handled by a Vectra M2, I picked a set of Maxspect Gyre 350s as wavemakers. My good old Profilux P3 will handle the tanks automation.

There will be around 30 kg of dead rock and Aquaforest AF Rock and a Brightwell XPort Bio brick to aid the biological filtration.

As the tank progresses, or as people show interest I will add more pictures and information.


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Still not done with plumbing but i hang the lights and did some rockscape. Might change the right side a bit but i dont want to pile on too much rock.

Besides hanging the lights I connnected the car battery to my vortech vectra in case of power loss. Unfortunately maxspect doesnt include the power backup cable in the box anymore. They are not available here either, so I have to wait a while before i can get them. I dont know why maxspect removed those from 3xx series. Bad decision imo.

The programming on the profilux 3 is also mostly completed.

On a side not I also made an ato container from an old salt bucket.


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Filled the tank with water and added salt and a piece of seed live rock on 20 June. Now starts the long wait to finish the cycle. I am not using and bacteria products. Just a piece of shrimp and a lot of patience. :)

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Yes actually there is :)

Its been 2 months since the setup so i guess its time for an update. The tank is doing ok. I have added most of the fish on my stocking list. I would like to add a pair of Bellus Angelfish and a Majestic Angelfish to the tank and finish the stocking.

Current fish stock :

Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)
Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)
Tail-spot wrasse (Halichores melanurus)
Fire Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica)
Blue-Green Chromis [9] (Chromis viridis) ;

I have also started adding corals about a month ago. Various acropora and montipora. They have all been doing well. Colors were very pale initially due to low nutrient levels but as the fish count increased they have started to color up.

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Yes actually there is :)

Its been 2 months since the setup so i guess its time for an update. The tank is doing ok. I have added most of the fish on my stocking list. I would like to add a pair of Bellus Angelfish and a Majestic Angelfish to the tank and finish the stocking.

Current fish stock :

Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum)
Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus)
Tail-spot wrasse (Halichores melanurus)
Fire Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica)
Blue-Green Chromis [9] (Chromis viridis) ;

I have also started adding corals about a month ago. Various acropora and montipora. They have all been doing well. Colors were very pale initially due to low nutrient levels but as the fish count increased they have started to color up.

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Super :thumbsup: Welldone and soon hoping to see a wonderful piece of a reef.

Yes I have started dosing Component 123+ from Aquaforest. Consumption is low does to minimal coral count. Besides that I also dose amino acids and coral food from Aquaforest once or twice a week depending on how corals look.

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Yes I have started dosing Component 123+ from Aquaforest. Consumption is low does to minimal coral count. Besides that I also dose amino acids and coral food from Aquaforest once or twice a week depending on how corals look.

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I also have started dosing AF . I will follow your bailing. Coz I made a mistake and overdose kh. :) 400 ml AF kH get my kh from 6.65 to 10 dkH in 1 day. I need to tune it down. Consumption is low. But there was no side effect. That was interesting