6th Annual WORC Frag Swap (Dayton Ohio) - March 29th 2014

Hi my name is Adam owenr of splash corals I would love to be apart of even if you could make sure I can get a vendors table or put me on the list and email me a direct payment link and info for the swap I would truly appreciate it I'm few months new into this so I alway struggle signing up for the swap if you could please call me at 513-673-0499 I would really appreciate it also if you can send direct payment info to spalshcoralsinfo@gmail.com it would be a blessing thanks
Looking forward to your display Adam. Thank you for supporting WORC.

Our Swap Page is up. Click the Picture for details.

With this being our 6th SWAP, WORC has established partnerships with some great corporations over the years. Many of which year after year donate to our club. We are very appreciative of their support therefore each week we will be spotlighting; them sharing information about their products, company and what they have donated to the raffle. You can also see a listing of those companies supporting us this year and previous years by visiting our dedicated Frag Swap Page.



Sea Dwelling Creatures is primarily a live stock wholesaler. They are located just 300 feet from Los Angeles International Airport. It is considered the Nation's largest Marine Wholesaler with over 120,000 gallons of holding tanks. Eric Cohen (owner) is commonly a guest on the TV show Tanked.

Donation: SDC has donated to WORC 500$ worth of coral that will be available to win at the raffle.

You may already have livestock in your tank that has passed through SDC care. In addition to providing fish and corals to retailers they also supply to some of the most well know public aquariums such as:
- John G. Shedd Aquarium
- Scripps Institute
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Mandalay Bay Resort
- SeaWorld
- Aquarium of the Pacific
- Walt Disney World

SDC Website: http://www.seadwelling.com/
SDC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seadwellingcreatures

YouTube Video about SDC

If you have been to one of our Frag Swaps you have probably seen CeramEco products. CeramECO makes Vida Rock. Vida Rock is an Eco friendly alternative for building your dream aquascape. It is made from clay and engineered to give high porosity to enhance biological filtration.

At CreamEco they don’t believe aquascaping should be limited by how well you can stack rock. Aquascaping with VidaRock is a creative process that will reward your desire to create a realistic reef and showcase natures’s beauty and your handiwork.

If you like to add this rock alternative to your tank consider asking your sponsors/LFS to consider stocking it for you. Take a look at the great shapes their rock comes in and the endless possibilities it creates for a creative looking aquascape. http://cerameco.com/

Posted by Bucknutz, thought others my find it useful

I'm no expert on fragswapper but I thought I would try and give some guidance to navigate the site. Fragswapper is a big tool for us hobbyists to trade and sell our coral at the frag swap. Feel free to suggest additions, or changes to this tutorial.

1. Register

Go to http://www.fragswapper.com
Click the red "login button."
Click "Register Now."


2. Create an Account

Fill out the form with a unique username and password.
Enter a valid email address. (Choose one you want to keep because it has been hard to get changed in the past.)
Fragswapper will send a confirmation email to this address.


3. Choose an Organization
Click Organizations. (This is considering you haven't registered and won't have any current registered organizations like in my screenshot.)


4. Pick a State
This is where you pick Ohio for WORC.


5. Register with an Organization

Click "You are not registered with this organization. Click here to register."
Register with the Western Ohio Reef Club
If already registered skip to next step


6. Current Available Swaps
Under current available swaps click on "6th Annual Western Ohio Reef Club Frag Swap."


7. Register for Event
Click the "You are not registered for this event. Click here to register" to attend this event.


8. List New Items

To list a new item click the green button "My Listings" at the top menu.
Choose "list new item" on the following page.


9. Fill out the form for your item

Fill out the info to describe your item for sale, trade, or give away.
Use external image hosting such as imgur, imageshack, or photobucket to share your images.
Save your listing


10. View your listing

Click listings at the top
Under "Trade Lists" on the left hand side choose "All (New First)"
You should see your listing at the top


You now have the ability to list all your coral, frags, and equipment you want to sell or trade with everyone. You can then arrange to meet and trade/sell at the frag swap.

Aquatic Life is a small company with a lot of experience in the aquarium hobby. They are hobbyists first and company second. They continually work to come out with innovative products that include features they want on their own systems. Their most recent product is EDGE. LED lighting that incorporates a sunrise/sunset feature into an affordable fixture.

One lucky winner will get to take home one of these great new LED systems. Thank you Aquatic Life for your donation


They haven’t announced it yet, but they are releasing a 1,000 GPD RO Unit (the RO Daddy) in several weeks. The best way to keep up with them is on their social pages.

Some swap updates.
- Fragswapper is online and some posting have started to go up. http://www.fragswapper.com/Organization.asp?OrganizationKey=25
- Vendor and Earlybird Spots are sold out.
- Check out the Fragswap Information page to see the Vendor and Earlybird line up. http://www.worcreef.org/index.php?action=ezportal;sa=page;p=19


Did you know Hamilton Technology has been manufacturing lighting for the aquarium hobby for over 27 years? They were the first to bring to market the 14k Metal Halide Lamp. It was quite a leap in technology coming from 6500k - 10k lamps. Hamilton continues to support the aquarium industry with a wide range of lighting options.

Their Mission is to offer you, state of the art lighting that meets our high standards of quality, innovation, and value.

Hamilton Technology has donated one of their LED Light Strips to the Raffle.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hamilton-Technology/120065394748183?sk=wall
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hamilton_tech
As items are beginning to role in from club supporters for the raffle thought we would share some information about it and how to get free raffle tickets.

How the Raffle works
At the swap there will be a staging area with several tables setup. The raffle items will be displayed on the tables along with a collection cup next to each item. Place your raffle tickets in the collection cups for the items you wish to win. The raffle tickets can be purchased at the swaps entrance where you pay admittance fee. When the raffle has started someone will mix up the tickets in the collection cup and blindly select one. If it is yours you win that item. The more tickets purchased the better your chances of winning and there is no limit to the number of items you can win. You must be present to win.

How To Get 3 Free Raffle Tickets
In addition to purchasing raffle tickets you can obtain free tickets for posting items for sale on Fragswapper. For every three unique items you post on Fragswapper you will receive one free raffle ticket up to a maximum of 3 free tickets. Swap vendors are excluded from receiving free raffle tickets.Your tickets will be waiting for you when you arrive. Just tell the cashier your Fragswapper email address

Note: A unique item on Fragswapper no matter how many "quantity" counts as one item. i.e. One item with quantity of nine is considered one item.

How about a few pics of some raffle items










Unless you have been under a rock you have likely heard about LRS foods. A premium blend of "human grade" wild caught seafood packaged for feeding our wet pets. You may not know that they recently launched a NEW website with lots of great content including entertaining video's, lots of pictures of their company mascot (Jackson), social links, product information and even their own studio recorded song called Reef Frenzy Blues. Check it out when you have some time http://www.larrysreefservices.com/

I haven't personally tasted any LRS food but my fish love it. I see a level of excitement best described by it's name "A Feeding Frenzy" when adding LRS to the tank. Another notable item is the food is very clean and smells fresh. It doesn't cloud the water like other foods can if not rinsed really well. I can just break off a piece of LRS and put it right into the tank. No prep required. If you haven't taken the LRS experience I highly recommend picking some up at your retailer you frequent. With 120 stocking locations it shouldn't be hard to find. If your local store doesn't have it ask them to call LRS.

LRS will be attending our swap and have graciously donated Two- “bundles” of food which include 2 packs of Reef Frenzy Nano and a pack of the LRS organic Seaweed. Each bundle will also include dry ice and an insulated travel pouch to get the food home and a LRS T- Shirt.

What's the door price? Also, how is this part of town? Just figuring out if I should bring the family.
Hotel group rate.
Let them know you're with worcreef.org for the frag swap and you will get a room with single, or double beds for 84$ per night.

Dayton Grand Hotel
11 South Ludlow
Dayton, Oh 45402
(937) 461-4700
Hotel group rate.
Let them know you're with worcreef.org for the frag swap and you will get a room with single, or double beds for 84$ per night.

Dayton Grand Hotel
11 South Ludlow
Dayton, Oh 45402
(937) 461-4700

Just called to book a room for the night, they stated they don't have a group rate for worcreef.org:facepalm:
Orphek is heading to the Western Ohio Reef Club frag swap this coming Saturday, March 29th 2014.[/B]

Get more Orphek News here- http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=k5es6lnab&p=oi&m=1113870373834&sit=nwixfz6hb&f=71d174d1-d4c8-458d-b2eb-a47423e88766


Situated between Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio, the Dayton frag swap is set to draw a large crowd of Reef enthusiasts. With everything from coral vendors, retailers and manufacturers the event is sure to have something for everyone. The Orphek booth is going to showcase the best lighting in the industry. With our Atlantik series of lights and the PR72 on display we will be able to provide a solution for everyone. We will have the Azurelite flashlights for sale as well as special pricing on our skimmers and Atlantik Series of lights.


The Orphek team will also have the spectrometer and PAR meter on-hand to demo the spectrum of our lighting. We can show you why Orphek is the choice of the professionals and advanced hobbyists. We love to take the time to educate people on lighting so that they can make a more advanced decision on what they put into their tanks.

The swap hours will be from 12am to 4pm on Saturday March 29th, 2014. Be sure to let us know if you are coming and then look us up when you are there.

Check out the info on the swap here.

This is shaping up to be the largest swap we have ever hosted. I am very excited and please with the record number of Fragswapper registrations. If you have yet to attend a WORC swap, I would strongly urge you to attend this one. With huge prizes being raffled off, a great vendor line up and record breaking Fragswapper attendance, this is looking to be one for the record books. WORC invites you to atten this 2015 Sping Swap!