708 power timer


Active member
Roger ,
This power timer keeps blowing fuses . It has had a lot of good years on it but I am unsure if it's time to retire it or is it repairable ?I had been replacing the fuses with 2amp 250v slow blow but after it blew 2 in a day's time ,I took it out of service .Hey that turbelle you repaired runs great .It flow's a little slower than the other one but I am happy it's quiet again .
You can send it to me. The old 708 hasn't been made for about 5 years now but I may still be able to repair it. With 2 amps the load is 240W or 4 2002 pumps factoring start up demand of about 50W. I suspect their is a corroded wire or short inside the controller.
Thanks Roger . Yes I did see some oxidation on the connectors . What is that snail mail address again please? I will get it in the mail first oppourtunity i'm just glad there is a possibility of a repair to keep it in service .
Thanks Roger . Yes I did see some oxidation on the connectors . What is that snail mail address again please? I will get it in the mail first oppourtunity i'm just glad there is a possibility of a repair to keep it in service .

I got your controller working. Their was a loose connection. I don't have any of your info for shipping.