7092 question


Premium Member
I just bought a 7092 controller to use with 2 6095 pumps. Wanted to get the pumps to alternate versus working synchronously and following the instructions "remove the pulse power turning knob by using a flat screwdriver..." Am I understanding this correctly, the knobs that turn the speed up and down? Both of them? I tried one and unscrewed the little screws on the back but feel like I'm going to break the knobs so I gave up. Have them working synchronously for the time being until I get some feed back.
Oh come on. I know Roger's off for the weekend, but there must be:sad1: loads of people with a 7092...can't anyone tell me how they opened the unit to change the jumper inside? I'm eager to play with my new toys!!!
OK, just to make sure I understand before I break something. I'm removing BOTH turn-able knobs that control the speed, right? And insert the screw driver underneath and pry them off? Won't I scratch the surface? I'm surprised this couldn't be made on an exposed part of the unit, like on the pumps...but am I understanding correctly? Thanks
We try to keep controllers as closed up as possible as any openings are sources of water damage. If you are careful, you will not scratch the surface. They should come off without a tremendous amount of force. They just pop straight up.
Thanks for your help Roger!
All's working well and I'm liking the 2 pumps. Also, the safety connector came in really handy as last week Toronto had a massive ice storm and I had no power for 52 hours. Lucky, as I had purchased it only one week earlier! I hadn't even picked up an appropriate battery yet but ended up connecting 2 lantern batteries. Got 20 hours of circulation before having to switch them out for a fresh set.
A couple questions...

1) I notice that to change the timing on the controller I have to hold down the buttons what feels like an awfully looong time...like a minute or more before it responds in a noticeable way...is this typical?

2) I was thinking it would be nice if I could for example have the alternate "pulsing" mode for a period of time and then some wave action for a period and have this switch automatically back and forth. I realize this controller can't do that, but can the 7096 do this?
In wavemode every push is a .01 second change from .30-2.00, in pulse mode every push is a 1 second change from 2-10 so at first it takes a long time to advance to pulse mode.

The 7096 could not do that either, generally you want a basic directional current as the foundation of good flow and the wave is added to that to help with desedimentation.