7095 not working right


New member

Ive had a 7095 multi for about 5 weeks now. I have 2x6100 and 1x6000. I run the interval setting. Today I noticed that when channel 1 is on only the 1.2 is lit. and when channel 2 is on. 2.1 2.2 and 1.1 are lit. I cannot figure this out. when interval 2 is selected... all the ports are lit. unless i am mistaken in the interval 1 program, 1.1 and 1.2 run and then 2.1 and 2.2 run.
update..when channel 1 is on 1.1 and 1.2 are now lit. BUT..when 2 is on...2.1 2.2 AND 1.2 are lit... Please help
First, is it just the lights or is the pump actually on? You are correct in your assumptions of how it should work. Their are several possibilities- first while it is perfectly acceptable to do this their are occasional problems with mixing pump sizes like this. Sometimes the pump isn't producing as strong a signature as the larger ones that are connected are so it is kind of like it only half exists. This is a difficult problem to resolve but different orders of pump connections should be tried. Also always connect the pumps when they are off, plug them in to the mains after all controller connections are made. Sometimes this can cause a problem. It may be that the LED for 2.1 is cocked over so light shines through both holes- if you only have light but the pump isn't running I would assume this is the cause.

The controller once again isnt working correctly.It happened two nights ago after a power outtage. it corrected itself. Today it happened again while I was rewiring the tank. It happens when the power goes out or the pumps are turned off and on simultaneously . now during the interval 1 setting channels 1.1, 2.1 and 2.2 run first than only 1.2 will run after the switch. Ill let you know if it corrects itself again