7096 Foodtimer


Cheesehead Reefer

This weekend I got hold of a Windows computer and switched the programming on my 7096 from Mac to Windows, I wanted to be able to try the enhancements that came out August 1st.

In the process though the foodtimer got messed up, I'm wondering if I selected a pause that was longer than the box will allow.

What is the maximum duration the foodtimer can be set for?

The Mac update is in the final testing and will be out very soon.

The foodtimer should be adjustable from 1-10 minutes.
The Mac update is in the final testing and will be out very soon.

The foodtimer should be adjustable from 1-10 minutes.
I'll definitely be looking for the Mac update.

I had input 12 minutes for the foodtimer, that may be why it wasn't working correctly (it would only give me a minute, maybe less, before the pumps would cut back on).

As always, thanks for your help, Roger.

I'm still having trouble with the foodtimer in the Windows version. I reduced the time to 8 minutes, which the 7096 should easily take. When I push the red button, both pumps properly cut off. Unfortunately, they then both come back on in less than a minute. If I keep pushing the button every time the pumps come on, I can keep them (mostly) off till my fish have a good shot at their food.

The timer worked great when I used the Aquarium for Mac OSX version to program the box.

Any thoughts on what could be wrong? I hate to give up the new features in the Windows update, but if need be I can.
When you do an update, is everything else being updated? I am wondering if it isn't just not connecting and sending to the controller in general.
It does seem to be updating. It took the original Windows update, both pumps run now in interval mode, and when I changed the foodtimer from 12 to 8 seconds, I closed the software and then reopened it. I was able to receive from unit with what I had just sent it, so it did take the update.
I would then wonder if perhaps the button on the controller is stuck. If you feel comfortable doing so, you could open the housing and check it, you would just remove the black screw and the two halves will seperate hinged on the side opposite the black screw. The button may be pinched and it may work with the cover removed. I wouldn't leave it this way but it would let us know if it is just the button itself acting up, on the 7095 I occasionally see one get pinned down by the front housing.
I'm traveling for a couple of days, as soon as I get home I'll take off the cover, and report back what happens.

Thanks, Roger.
Hi Roger,

I took the cover off the box, and have been pushing directly on the green plunger inside. No joy. The plunger seems to depress all the way, and spring back up freely, but the timer still will not give me any more than about 30 seconds or so before the pumps cut back on.

Is there anything else I can try?
Well, I was able to flash the unit. Getting the avrootloader software to work properly was a bit of a challenge, but I suspect a large part of that was operator error, as I haven't worked with finding things in a Windows environment in a few years now.

I reloaded the box using the Windows app, and one thing I noticed was the pumps were responding as I would have expected given the options I chose, no more hybrid Mac/Windows modes.

I've only used the foodtimer once since the flash, but it did work properly, gave me the full 8 minute pause. I'll let you know how it goes once I get a little more time in operation.

Thanks for your help Roger.
One more update...

The foodtimer has been working fine since I did the firmware restore. It runs the full 8 minutes, no glitches.

Thanks again for the help, Roger.