72 Gal Bowfront FS


New member
Up for sale is an Oceanic 72 gallon bowfront with black trim and built-in overflow. Comes with matching black stand and canopy along with glass lids. $800 new - $300.

48" Aquactinics 5x54 watt T5 fixture with 4 month old UVL bulbs along with several spares. $350 ($300 if purchased with tank).

Medium Yellow Tang - $30 (75 gallon or larger tank please)

Will be coming to Fort Wayne either Thursday (4/2) or Saturday (4/4) and can deliver any of the above items. Pictures available upon request.
The raffle is at 2:30. But we are out of tickets if you didn't get one already. But Klaus is having some good deals on livestock that day for all of us. You should have got an email from me earlier this week about some of the deals.
Can i see some pics of the light? Thats what I think i am looking for. Dose it have timers or dual switches?
its a TX5, look on reefgeek or DIY reef they have them there. Nice units realy. THE tx5 5 bulb the solar flare 7 bulb and the constelation are some of the best t5 fixtures you can buy. The tx5 is as good as most 6 bulbs units.



This is a TX5 fixture by Aquactinics. Very high quality product and excellent customer service. I have pm'ed Tom (the founder) who is under the Aquactinics section of Reef Central with questions in the past and he has always been very nice, willing to help, and quick to respond. It is dual switch. You can keep anything under these as the reflectors drastically increase the output. Bulbs are high quality UVL and ATI from Premium Aquatics and only four months old. $350 is a steal. To buy new without bulbs would cost around $500 with the shipping included and then another $125 in bulbs to boot. I downsized to a 50 gallon and actually bought the 36" TX5 for my new tank. They run very quiet and emit low heat. I love these fixtures! PM me your e-mail address and I can e-mail you some pics.


Trades Welcome

Trades Welcome

I am also up for partial trades. I am looking for colorful acan, fluorescent red/green open brain, and possibly other high end, brightly colored pieces.