9 months, updated pics on 425

Right now my main problem is with cyano that keeps cropping up here and there. I have the dialyseas changing 10gal a day and I have changed the carbon and GFO. I have done this before to no avail and had to resort to chemi clean. I hope this is just new tank syndrome and I can get rid of it this time without the chemicals. I almost lost my clowns the last time. One last pic. A deep water acro.
I'm took these pics with a new digital SLR camera and used the auto setting. I can see I have a lot to learn about photography. I hope I can get better shots when I learn more about it. I bought the camera mostly so I could take some awsome pics of my corals.
That is just a fantastic tank build, and the arboretum......wow!

I am no expert w/ my cam but if you are looking for a few good closeups try this. Set your camera to aperture priority, white balance to the camera's pre-set shade setting and focus in manually. You can up your ISO a little as well this will allow you to use a higher F stop. Now I have now idea what all that means but you will get some darn good closeups!

I am officially a fan of this tank, looking forward to more pics.
Totally awesome tank.

I think I already saw a thread with all the specifications and progress of installation of your tank, right? Can you point me there?

Very nice work !!!
I'm afraid there never was a thread on the installation. I put up pics once the tank was up and running. Because I was also putting an addition onto my house, including the room the tank was in, I was pretty overwhelmed. I regret not taking pics of the stand going up the most because I get a lot of requests for that.
I understand.

Can you tell me the dimmensios of your tank and how many and what kind of lights are you using?

The tank is 84"long by 42" wide by 30"high. Those are maristar fixtures that have 2 250watt metal halides and 2 47watt t5 bulbs in each.