9002 and 6025.50 magnet


Team RC
I just bought the 6025.50 magnet holder and put it on my 9002, the problem is that when you put the cup on the skimmer the skimmer tilts forward and the magnet pulls away from the glass. Any thoughts or suggestion will be greatly appreciated. PS this is on a 33 gallon tank with thin glass.
Well I figured it out with the help of Tom at So cal Tropical Fish I put the one sided velcro on the inside of each magnet causing them to be to far apart. My net question is how is the magnet suppose to be installed. Thanks in advance
When retrofitting the magnet to an older 9002 you screw it onto the same threaded blocks on the back as you had the rail screwed to, using the exact same screws. The other option is to try to snap these off and use Tangit or a similar plastic cement to attach the magnet holder to the skimmer directly.
Thanks Roger when I came home the cup was full and the magnets pulled slightly apart. Is the rail bracket suppose to be left on. PS this is on my 120 tank just testing it for now.
Side bar Roger was that you on HGTV( What You Get For The Money) with the red kitchen.
A 120 is like 1/2" glass so that is near the limit of that magnet given the weight of the skimmer. The current 9002 just has the magnets glued straight to the box where the rail brackets were. The easy retrofit is to just screw the magnets to the brackets.

Yes, that was me, we remodeled our house last year, did a lot of it myself but my architect was the guy who won, you may have noticed how similar the fireplaces were. Our contractor submitted us for the show.
Thanks, we had just moved back in when they filmed so we didn't really have things set up the way I would like, the aquarium was still sparse.