9010: Need Help Dialing In


New member
My 9010 has been set-up for going on about 2 months now. System is 130g net and has about 75 lbs LR in it (been in about 1 month). The skimmer has been producing about 100-150 ml of dark brown/black skimmate a week. It is operated in-sump and the sump water level is about 1-2" away from max water level (blue line).

I was hoping to achieve more of a wet skimmate that fills up the collection cup each week, if not more often. Do I need to adjust sump water level or is it all with the blue screw? Right now it is about 1/2- 1 revolution from completely open.

The water level is too low if you are not using the sump kit. While it will work 2" below the marked line it won't be able to skim wet, to skim wet, the water level should be within 3/4" of the marked line. If you are using the sump kit and water is exiting the pipe than this isn't an issue. Outside of that the main adjustment is the screw and it should be able to wet skim.
Yes, I am using sump kit with solid base and pipe. To wet skin do I need to open or close screw? How much? It seems that if I close the screw even 1-2 full revolutions it stops collecting foam.
Typically it should be able to wet skim at 5 turns open assuming the cup is clean and water is exiting the stand pipe. You open or back out the screw to increase air flow.
Thank you very much for all the fast help. I just adjusted the skimmer and will see what happens. So basically less air (close screw) = wet skim, more air (open screw) = dry skim?

Thanks once again
I'm still having a bit of trouble: even with the screw completely removed, I still got only 100 ml max of dry skim a week. This doesn't quite make sense because it seems like it should be a wet skim with the max amount of air entering the skimmer.

So, I added a piece of PVC pipe to the output tube to see if the raised internal water level of the skimmer would able get a better wet skim. So far, all it has done is produce 100 ml a week of very diluted skimmate instead of the concentrated 100 ml I was pulling out earlier. Is there a way I can increase skimmate volume? It really doesnt make a difference to me wet v. dry skim, I just want to pull out more stuff (ie: more like 600 ml a week)

Btw, the tank has 130g net volume and just I replaced my dry rock with 120 lbs of live rock (mostly cured, some uncured) a few days ago. Maybe is it that I just won't see good skimmate until I start adding fish?

What is the norm for skimmate produced by a properly adjusted 9010?
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There isn't really a norm, but when I had my 58 running a 9010 I got about 100ml over the course of 3-4 days and typically 150ml per week. On my 120 I would get 100ml in 2 days and about 200ml a week, both set to skim a light tea colored liquid. My guess would be something is wrong with the air hose or venturi nozzle. It should be possible to skim very wet, almost clear water. Check that the air hose didn't get pinched between the pump and skimmer body and check that the venturi nozzle isn't broken off the impeller housing and that the airline nipple fits snugly into the venturi nozzle. If you PM me your email address I can email some pics that will help.
Thanks Roger! I guess I posted too soon... with the PVC mod I just pulled out 200ml of muddy skim in 2 days :) . So now I am pretty happy with my skimmer. The 120lbs of LR has been in for 4 days, so I am assuming it must be giving off quite a bit of gunk right now. Once the tank matures I probably wont be getting as much skim though, right?

Thank you very much for all your help!