9010 not skimming


New member
Hey guys-

Setup a new in the box 9010 with sump attachment about two weeks ago on a new 60 gallon tank. No water is coming out of the sump attachment top but bubbles are occurring in the reaction chamber. However no skimmate or for that matter bubbles are coming up the neck of the 9010.

Tried it with the blue screw tightened down and then loose. Loose allowed for bigger bubbles and they went about up to the very bottom of the round part of the neck of the black body of the skimmer. I see some skimmate around the very bottom of the collection cup neck that sits inside the skimmer and I know there is something in the water to skim in that my nitrates have been hitting 5-10...

Defective skimmer, something I am doing wrong, or...?

Thanks for the assist!

The problem is the lack of water coming out the stand pipe, the water level inside the skimmer is not correct as a result. Their are only to possible causes, either the 9010.400 sleeve below cover was left out or is not properly installed, or the 9010.200 cover for aspirator (bottom cover) is not on all the way or is on backwards. The 9010.200 has 3 flat sides and a beveled side, the beveled side faces the front. 9010.400 has to be fitted so that the inlet of the pump is inside the hole in the back of it. It's purpose is to force the pump to take in water from the outside of the skimmer so water is not recirculated and pressure is produced to fill the skimmer.

By the way, a skimmer cannot remove nitrate, it only removes organic materials that break down to form nitrate and it cannot completely prevent the build up of nitrate over time, it only helps slow the process by removing most proteins and organics before they break down into nitrate.

Thank you! I figured it was something like that. I will tear it down and look again.

And this is not meant to be snarky... I know it doesn't pull nitrate directly. I should have been more clear. There is DOC in the water as the nitrates are present. Sorry about that. It was late, I was tired, and I wasn't as precise as I should have been.
Thank you again Roger! Boy but I do love the Tunze line! Quick question... IF parts are lost/missing whom do I order replacements from?
If they are missing just PM me, the 2 parts should be loose in the box, they don't come preinstalled, actually 9010.400 is usually inside the parts bag. If they are lost, also just let me know.

Thanks for the help! Found the parts floating in the sump! Idiot --> Me.

But should the cover that covers the slat area next to the sump tube be open so the slats are exposed or closed?

Thanks again for the help!


Thanks for the help! Found the parts floating in the sump! Idiot --> Me.

But should the cover that covers the slat area next to the sump tube be open so the slats are exposed or closed? And should I see water coming out of the top of the tube in a large amount or a very minute amount?

Thanks again for the help!

The slats should be completely open. The water will very slowly come out of the stand pipe and water will also exit a hole in the back.

Thank you. I came to that conclusion as well. Problem is no joy on the skimmer. As pictures are worth a thousand words... Here are a sequence of photos showing what I did in setting the skimmer up. Perhaps there is something I did wrong or missing...?

That white looking thing in the photos of the opening for the pipe is just a reflection off the plastic not an actual obstruction by the way.

Thanks again for the help!

It looks like the water level is still low, is water exiting the pipe? If not I suspect the coupler is not firmly over the pump intake, install the front part you show in the first few pictures, with the bottom cover reomved, so you can be sure, looking down into the skimmer that the pump intake is pressed into the coupler plate 9010.400.
Thank you. No water exiting the pipe or the back. When you say coupler do you mean the item in photo 1 (from left to right) that is molded to fit snugly on the large hole where the pipe goes? Also not sure if you did but if you click on the photos you can see a much more detailed view as they expand...
I did click on a few of them. Yes, in the first photo, the molded part that has the half moon that goes around the pipe and the small hole in the back, the hole must fit around the intake of the pump. Also, the bottom cover must be on all the way, it is easy to have the suction cups attach and the skimmer body slide off the base, for this reason, hold it in place while you position the skimmer. It can only be one of these two things.
I am having a similiar problem with my new 9010. If I increase sump level to about 8 inches water starts flow from standpipe. I have checked and rechecked all parts, could this be a problem with the pump?
No, please see my reply to your other post, it has to be one of the two parts I mentioned. Make sure the bottom plate is on all the way, and that the beveled edge faces the front, please note the bottom plate has 3 flat sides and 1 beveled side. The front is the side with the pipe. What you describe is exactly what would happen if this plate is open just a bit or if the coupler is not firmly on the pump intake.