9010 pump service questions?


Hi, I have a Tunze 9010 skimmer that was purchased used here on RC. I am suspecting that there is something wrong with the venturi or the propeller since it is not skimming anything. Can I send it in for service? how much will it be and where to send it. thanks
It would be parts plus $25 which would include all labor and return shipping. Send it in without the cup and ideally pack the pump outside the skimmer to avoid shipping damage. Include your return address and phone number.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Hi, Thanks for the reply
So I must include a check or how do I pay. I have to send in the skimmer body too?
Just wanted to be cleared before I send it in. thanks
It is up to you on the body, if you are certain it is the venturi I would only need the pump, but I do occasionally see damage to the silencer that reduces air flow. The ideal would be to just include a phone number and I can call you for cc info with regards to any charges.
Yes, it went back out yesterday, it was actually a warranty issue, the impeller was undersized and the venturi was broken.
Hi Roger, I received the pump 2 days ago. Installed it and let it runs ever since. The bubbles is very fine now compare to before I sent it in, however it does not produces any skimmage at all. Just tiny fine bubbles. Usually how long before it will kick in? thanks
Turn up the air a little, it should start to skim with the air open 3-4 full turns from closed. It should start to produce a foam head within 72hrs. Make sure it is not running against another skimmer and is submerged to the appropriate depth. If you use 2 skimmers, one will always win so keep that in mind. Two skimmers only work together if they are really identical. If you are using the sump kit, be sure water is exiting the stand pipe.
I am using the sump kit. I now have alot of tiny bubble in my display. I will do as you said and let it run for couple more days and hopefully it will start to skim. Thanks

By the way 9010 is the only skimmer.
The tiny bubbles would generally indicate an additive that has a surfactant effect is present. Have you added any sort of slime algae killer, vitamin, amino acid, dechlorinator, stress coat or done a large water change? This would cause bubbles to carry further and also interfere with the skimmers performance.
I did add Red Slime Remover but I already did the water change. should I do more water change?

It seems to create good tiny bubbles in the skimmer neck but still no skimmage. Thanks
It will take about a week for this product to degrade and the bubbles and skimming to return to normal, I would run some carbon and possibly do a second water change, but it is largely a matter of time and waiting for the product to decompose. Typically for 3-7 days you will get no skimming and lots of microbubbles. Then the microbubbles will reduce and the skimmer will foam over and fill with water, after a few days of this you should be back on track. I would dispose of the collected water. For the future, if you have slime algae, I personally just use store bought 3% hydrogen peroxide, you avoid this problem and it works just as well. You will want to add 1tsp per 50 gallons per day, after about a week, the slime algae will be gone, H202 breaks down to just water and oxygen and slime algae doesn't do well with a higher redox. Raising KH and double checking your salinity can also help as will making sure your powerheads and skimmer are running optimally.