It will take about a week for this product to degrade and the bubbles and skimming to return to normal, I would run some carbon and possibly do a second water change, but it is largely a matter of time and waiting for the product to decompose. Typically for 3-7 days you will get no skimming and lots of microbubbles. Then the microbubbles will reduce and the skimmer will foam over and fill with water, after a few days of this you should be back on track. I would dispose of the collected water. For the future, if you have slime algae, I personally just use store bought 3% hydrogen peroxide, you avoid this problem and it works just as well. You will want to add 1tsp per 50 gallons per day, after about a week, the slime algae will be gone, H202 breaks down to just water and oxygen and slime algae doesn't do well with a higher redox. Raising KH and double checking your salinity can also help as will making sure your powerheads and skimmer are running optimally.