9010 Skimmer


Moving on Up
Hi Roger,

I stopped my skimmer to do my water change and my skimmer pump did not start back up. It is a 9010 skimmer. I took the pump apart and still could not get it to do anything. I plugged it in while it was apart and I felt it vibrate but the propeller was not spinning. What can I do? I am skimmer less....

Remove the impellar. Hold the impellar in one hand and the magnet in the other. Turn in opposite directions. You will see the brakes (between the impellar and magnet) come out. Turn in opposite direction until the brakes are completely withdrawn/reseated. Reassemble pump.
Not sure I follow you....I could not get the impeller out and did not want to break it. Is there a trick to removing it?
Rotate the impellar back in forth. One direction will seem a little easier. It will be stiff at first but the brake will release and you will be able to remove the whole assembly from the motor. Once the impellar assembly is out of the pump motor complete the above from my first post.

Roger will check in soon with more advice if you can't get it.
Let me know how you do. 2006 is generally correct, the brakes can lock if the power is rapidly flickered on and off. It is also possible for sand or calcium build up to prevent them from retracting, but they can also just be broken.