9015 Skimmer issue


Premium Member
Hi there
I am only pulling about 100 ml of skimmate per day with the 9015.
I have the airscrew dialed all the way out and can't seem to get it to skim any wetter.
I have read many different threads of others having this exact same problem.
Any ideas what this could be.
Is the larger collection cup as compared to the 9010 causing us the issues because of the added height it has to travel?
Thanks for your help
The 9015 does skim dry, plus it looks like you have it on a small tank. 100mL/day of dry skimmate sounds resonable to me. I use a 9010 with a 9005 cup with the screw wide open on my 40g sps and get about 100mL/day of wet skimmate. The tank is bare bottom with a low bioload so there isn't much to skim.
I agree with smatter, that sounds like a reasonable amount of skimmate, the 9015 does skim dry because of the tall reaction tube in the cup.
Ok thanks for the reply.
I always have this mindset with my skimmer that... Should it be skimming more or working better... Have I done something wrong?
I just need to accept the 100 ml/ day I suppose lol.
I am a big fan/user of Tunze products and appreciate the excellant customer support. Great job.
Have any had success increasing there daily skimmate by injecting ozone into the skimmer?
Thanks again
Ozone will usually reduce the output, it may boost output only in very specific situations.