9400.040 and master doc skimmer problems tank dieing


New member
I thought i need to post this , i know i am in the UK and tunze Uk i dealing with it but i have lost alot of livestock

i have been haveing issuse with the pump for a long time ie jamming not comming back on after swich off etc , and i have bought 2 new impellers and ceramic shaft for it as it kept breaking.
The pump was sent away to tunze uk offices 6 weeks ago , i couldnt find my receipt, as it was a gift from my father , but tunze uk kindly as a gesture of good will siad they had instructed Germany to send out the new hydro foamer pump to replace the faults on the old one this i was delighted with as you can imagine , however 6 weeks down the line still no pump , my system has suffered high loses i tried to up my water changes to compensate for lack of skimmer but this has stressed my well stocked system to breaking point , i have lost now 3 mother colanies on acro monti and a rare colour morph hammerhead lps all of which i brought on from frags and tbh are now irreplacable , a large yellow tang i have had for 6 years , and a copperband i have had for over 2 years , i know its not your problem in the usa but i am gutted at the what this has cost me in moneyary terms and in deaths , i bought the tunze skimmer as i always thought they were the best quality but germany apparent lack of interest in my circumstances and the well being of the livestock they make equipment to help us keep has left me very disheartened and tbh i feel i will loose more , and dont know if i want to carry on with reef keeping anymore , in the current financial situations and the fact that the uk prices are higher than anywhere else means i dont think i can justify carrying on i just wish that tunze in geramny had sorted this out in a sensible and decent time scale i mean after all the skimmer is the most important tool in a marine reef .



I am very sorry, I am not sure what has happened, the pumps should be readily available. I can only suppose a message was lost or not transmitted. Have you contacted Tunze Germany directly or Tunze UK to follow up?
Yes i have contacted Tunze uk on several occations and they said they contacted germany , i have tempted to contact Germany on several occations but i have never had a reply from them directly
I forwarded a link to the thread to Gary at Tunze UK, I would suggest calling Tunze in Germany, they do speak English.