9410 DC -- replacement strainer for pump??


Premium Member

I was unboxing and assembling my brand new 9410DC skimmer and when placing the strainer on the pump found it was extremely tight and wouldn't slide all the way in. When trying to remove it, the strainer broke!! I checked the spare parts list and I don't see that the strainer is available by itself, only with the complete pump. Is there a replacement strainer available for this skimmer??

I don't have any spare strainers around and this looks like it's possibly a 25mm strainer, not a full inch anyways..

Any ideas on how to either DIY a repair or where to find a replacement??
I can send one, just email me a copy of the receipt, the strainer does not tend to insert all the way on the skimmer pumps as the volute is conical inside. Email is Tunze at sbcglobal dot net