9ft reef tank from the UK

Andrew johns

New member
Hi all,
I have been a member RC for a few years now so I thought I would let you all
Take a look at my tank ,

I have always wanted a big tank ,I have had a few tank over the years .I stared with a tank of cold water fish when I was a boy and then moved up to tropical fish . And then I when for it ,I started with a 2x2x2 cube with a wet&dry filter .
This was fine for a year or 2 . Then the upgrades stared .
4foot Aqua medic
5 foot with sump
6 foot with sump
Then I when for tank I have know ,It was a custom built .108x32x26 with a 72x20x20 sump . That is the biggest tank I can fit in to my house so no more upgrades .

The tank is lit by LEDs I have 10 TMC 600 aqua rays and 60 Cree LEDs from Rapid LED 50-50 royal blue and Cool white ,The sps coral seem to love the LEDs

I have 2 skimmers on the tank ,a Hydor performer 1250 and a Bubble magus NAC9 . The bubble magus has only been in the tank 2weeks and it is a sweet skimmer well worth the money. I have a TMC ozone on Hydor skimmer it run for 3 hours in 12 .

I have 3 mp 40w on the tank you get a lot of water movement but a lot of noise when you have them on full .there is also a polario 15000 in the tank and a few koralia 4 in the rock work so lots of water movement .

The primary filtration is from the sand and live rock there is 120 kg of rock in the tank and 25kg in the sump .And there is a deep sand bed in the sump. I have 2 reactors in the sump one has carbon and the other has Bio pellets in it .
The final filtration is TMC uv sterilisers.

Return pump
The water is return to the tank is by 2 eheim compact 5000 ,one is t off to a bubble magus calcium reactors 120 which do a good job at keeping the tank stable .










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Lovely tank Andrew"¦"¦.. keep up the good work

Regarding the MP 40W noise, is it tolerable noise or not.

I am planning to get four of them on my 600G tank. Do you recommend them or you think I should go with Tunze to avoid the noise.

Hi all ,just a few pics of the tank .All is going well except for my Achilles tang has a bit of white spot but feeding him lots so hoping he fights it off.

Let me know what you all think.
Just a quick update , I have added a DIY algae scrubber to the tank .i would like to add a few more Anthias to the tank ,but I do not wont to mess up the water quality so we will see how the algae scrubber does .here are a few pics and I will add a few pics in a week or so to see if starts working


ALGAE SCRUBBER up date , it been 2 weeks now and I have had some good results. I have put a bigger light in,it is a 30w grow bulb from eBay £10 . It has made a big difference with the bigger bulb it only been on it for 3 days and algae has grown like mad.



I will test the tank tomorrow to see if it is working .
Hi all , I have been having problems keeping up my calcium up it is down to 390 , my calcium reactor was doing a fine job but I
Have added a lot of sps in last few months and it can not keep up .So I have added a deltec km500 Kalk stirrer to the tank .What I have been reading on Kalk stirrer and calcium reactor on the same tank is all good .As you all know a calcium reactor can pull your PH down but the Kalk stirrer will help keep it up so all good . I am going to get a add on chamber for the calcium reactor so I can run more calcium media and I will put some magnesium media in to . I had some good growth from my sps considering my calcium is down to 390 . Here are some pics







If any is running a calcium reactor and a Kalk stirrer on the same tank let my know how you are getting on .
Beautiful tank! I can't hold my tongue on the scrubber though...I can see several things that need improvement. If you want any advice on how to improve it's efficiency and functionality, let me know. They can be a great addition, even better when they are hitting on all cylinders