A birthday is comin up


New member
My wife is looking for a BD present for me. I would like to improve my water flow system within my system. Currently I have five power heads circulatiing water in the system. I also have a return from a sump below. I would like to establish a system that is more like the ocean. Currently, I have a mixture of soft, LPS and SPS corals in a 150 gal tank (rectangle). What could be recommended to achieve this goal. I am new to looking at the Tunze products.
By the inhabitants you describe- but perhaps you can give me more detail. I might suggest two 6000 and a multicontroller.
my inhabitants are the following: three purple gorgornians, two ribbon gorgornians, one large bubble coral, two different branching hammer corals, a very larger leather, a couple different acroporas, a finger leather, numberous xenias, yellow tang, purple tang, red flame hawk, hippo tang, two bangii cardinals, pair of clowns, sand shifting starfish, red starfish, a couple of peppermint shrimp, royal urchin, green and brwon star coral, many different kinds of mushrooms along the bottom. the bottom of the tank is sand and crushed coral. There is at least 200 lb of live rock in this tank. I hope this helps. if you need more I would be glad to respond.