A Couple of Staghorn Colonies FS


Sorry but they are iPhone pics.

If you want macro shots, I may be able to do that.

Blue growth tips with green polyps and tan-colored base. $45

Blue growth tips with some blue but mainly brown base. $40

Pick-up in Danville, PA 17821. Cash only.

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hey apt220,
I may be interested, I have a business in Pa and home in NJ so pass danville often. how far of I-80 are you located? If possible just text me picture along with price/size to 267-761-1848. I am really only interested in SPS coral but will look at LPS if colors are right. thanks
you said you posted pictures on your thread but i don't see anything. please let me know asap so i can hold off on ordering corals from liveaquaria. Unfortunately I will not expoxy 1" frags permanently in my display tank and have to add something thats some what developed. I am only interested in SPS so please text me 267-761-1848. thanks

Sorry just saw your private message; I think you need to check your thread again because i have been on your thread via 2 different computers and theres still no pictures.
Is anyone else having trouble seeing the pictures? I see them just fine.
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Well if anyone else wants to see the pics, I could send them to you via email or text. Also, these pictures are in my album, so you could try looking there.
If you are not able to see the pictures, clear your cookies and restart your machine. That will probably solve the issue for you.