a few items left for sale


florida guru
well as all of you that really know that i had been off work due to job injury for 2.5 months. i just started back to work this past week, but i was cleaning out my closet to get rid of some things and i stumbled on a few items i would like to get rid of before xmas

gen-x internal return pump( i have 2)----does 265 gph great for saltwater mixing and use a return for a medium size tank----15.00

aquaclear 400 return pump---pushes 369 gph---20.00

gamma 15 watt uv sterilzer( had it sold to local reefer, but return it cause it had a short, but after spending 11.00 to get it checked out, there is no short, it just needs a new bulb---will let it go for-----20.00

175 watt 10k mh bulbs( various brands) all have at least 5 months life on them( i switched to 20k's and will never go back to 10's( i like 20k better)---will sell for 10-20.00 each depending on brand