A few pics of my Z+P's


New member
A few of mine:



Last 2 pictures are colonies I have had for aprx. 2-3 years.
The blue tubs I purchased in 2009 and originally had only 7 polyps. The colony is now over 100+
I've heard those blue polyps are kinda hard to keep...
Good job!
Please tell us the alk, mag, temp, light and water flow you're keeping them, if you can.

I've heard those blue polyps are kinda hard to keep...
Good job!
Please tell us the alk, mag, temp, light and water flow you're keeping them, if you can.


I purchased the blue tubs in Jan 2009 with 7 polyps for $90. I now have over 150+ polyps, and have recently started fragging them out.
They are kept in the sand of my 90 gallon with low-med water flow.

Mag- Haven't tested in a while.
CA - Consistently on the lower side of about 360-380ppm
Lighting 2X250w hqi Phoenix 14k 12pm-8pm photoperiod
(supplemental blue LED's from 7am-noon and 7pm-10pm)
2 MP10's for water flow. Set at 95% on the Lagoon setting.
Flow to tank is Mag Drive 700...hope to be upgrading to a 1200 soon.
Would you say flow is the most important for keeping zoas happy?
It's tough to say. I don't do things by the book.
I don't do regular water changes (I have done 1 10 gallon water change in the last 12 months and I don't add chemicals on a set schedule.)
I haven't lost any fish in 4+ years other than 1 green chromis that I lost about 2 weeks after getting him. My tank has mostly LPS corals, along with zoanthids, some mushrooms, and a few sps corals.
The only thing I have had issues with are acropora...and I blame that on my lack of water changes (I therefore, do not purchase acro's anymore).

Disclaimer: I do not advocate what I do....but it works for me.

As far as water flow and my zoanthids...except for my frag shelf, they all sit in my sand bed. My MP10's are located on the left and right top side of my aquarium, so the water flow tends to be low-medium on the bottom of the tank.
Update on the Rasta's in the first picture in the bottom left corner. I received these a day or two before I posted the picture (Feb 9th) with 3 polyps. As of last night, I now count 10 polyps on the plug...granted they are tiny, but the coloration is noticeable on all of them. I will try and get an updated picture. Pretty good growth for less than 2 months!