My week old pico reef

Interesting, never seen a clown do that. FWIW, bristleworms are great detritivores.
Now that the nitrate is more than 2 my leather corals have really expanded and the Kenya tree has its polyps completely extended. They must be happy they have fish friends in there with them. Also seen a couple small feather dusters appear.
I think I need to stop eyeing the one wall in my house, or my lfs needs to hurry up and sell the used 100 gallon complete kit before the next time I go there... $700 for tank, stand, canister filter, skimmer, lights, and canopy. Main problem is unless I get rid of the one wall.... and closet.... there is no room in house for it. It is very tempting to go buy some BIG sawzall blades and start eliminating that wall....... Would have to do it on weekends though when the city office is closed, since my town you need a permit to sneeze.....
And now the reality of the hobby sets in for you. You're always going to be eyeing up a bigger tank :ROFLMAO:
Found a few corals I would love to have on the Reef Bay app market place, an octospawn, hammer, and torch.... and they are local to me, however the person selling them said I would wait a bit before adding those, they can be difficult and I will usually always have some frags of them available. UGH.
Yeah, the tank is only a couple weeks old so, I'd hold off on adding corals for now. If you're hell bent on getting some corals in there, I'd recommend some of the hardier corals like Zoas, Mushrooms or Green Star Polyps.

The biggest reason we recommend waiting to add coral (beside ensuring the tank parameters are stable) is to ensure the new/newer hobbyists have a good understanding of tank chemistry and maintenance.
Don’t think it can be any more stable than this.


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Don't think the water can be any more stable, there is a person who has a torch frag, hammer frag, and an octospawn frag I want to get. He's the one that got me to do the alk, calcium, and mag tests yesterday, and even after seeing the numbers said well.... it's up to you, basically you cannot get better numbers, however your system is still very new being 3 weeks old, I'll sell you the corals, however I cannot promise you they will do well or survive since I lost several of those types when I started my tank 3 years ago and they really didn't do well until the tank was up and running for about 4-5 months with stable parameters. Haven't completely made up my mind yet if I am going to go get them or wait. There's too much open space and still see ROCKS inside.


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If there was not so many empty spaces and bare rock… course I have not made up my mind if I am going to get one or all of those 3, or any yet.
Well I was going to upgrade the return pump and got one from my lfs, and of course it does not fit in the chamber, about a half inch too big. At least my lfs is decent about it, and said leave it in its plastic and see if it will fit in the chamber, and if it doesn't bring it back and we will give you a store credit. Guess it is going back this morning. have to see what else I may want there. I think a couple of the fish I saw eat corals so they probably are out too. one is a coral beauty but if he going to snack on the corals..... he dont need to be there even though he is beautiful. I can get the torch and hammer coral for a much better price from the person on reef bay who is less than a mile from me.
For $175.00 I’ll sell you the tank, hood with the proper spectrum lighting, a power head, heater, 2 skimmers, enough salt, a complete test kit, a refractameter, quick start additive, a programmable timer for the lights and the live sand that is in it. You’ll just have to give me a couple hours to drain it, clean it and put the sand in a bucket for transport, and I’ll bring it over in a couple hours.”

That is a sweet setup. funny thing is I've been running my 40g for the past 2+ years with no skimmer, basically zero filtration, no sump, lol. but my 4g has become very simply for me because when I do water changes on the 40g, I use its water in the 4g. fingers crossed. seems to have worked out so well....

Wouldn’t you know it have almost perfect water parameters and my local fish shop is out of stock on the common clowns. Say they will have them available in roughly 2 WEEKS…. Ugh. Got two hermits but still no swimming creature so still basically an empty tank. There’s one of the hermits doing his job

That tank is looking way too clean :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
It's now slightly over a month old. Still extremely stable, didn't really need to do a water change last Monday when it was a month old as nitrates were only 7, but did it just to get used to doing water maintenance and get the occupants used to it, plus I won a Colorado Sunburst anemone during one of the fb reef groups and have not decided which tank he will go in, the nano or the 100 gallon one. He is supposed to arrive next week from Oklahoma. With the crazy weather in Chicago.... one day it is 45 and the next day it is 15, hopefully he arrives alive. May go to Petco and get a filter media bag or two to put over the powerhead before he arrives. Hear they have a habit of liking to self destruct in powerheads. ugh.