A few pictures of some of my corals

Marty.H, how long have you had the Moorish Idol? I have always loved the way they look, but I am no where near skilled enough to keep one. Beautiful tank BTW.
I had had it quite a while sadly I had to remove it as it decided to start eating my LPS :(

I would of replied sooner but have not had any notifications of a reply.

The stock still cheerful




The cat the other day in normal sleeping place before I moved acans

I hope I can get my tank to look half as good at this. I cannot believe how much coral you have throughout this thing. I am restarting a tank I had several years ago so have a long time before I can have coral of my own so I will live through your tank for now. Thank you for sharing.
I'm still alive :)

Not really much happened to the tank except lost most of the LPS and SPS and had a decorating session this is how it looks now

Once I get some more time will put some effort back into the tank

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some of the images may not be showing due to photo bucket stopping 3rd party hosting and wanting nearly £400 a year of people for there pictures to then show again you will see that all over forums photo bucket have stitched up millions of people

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Well me having no SPS virtually didn't last long haha

Big thanks to Shane for the SPS frags I collected earlier and filled in the gaps I had it's looking a bit different now :)


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