A few Pyramid Snails OK?


New member
I have seen a few Pyramid Snails hanging on near the foot of some of my Astrea Snails. Maybe 2 - 3 around the foot.

Would it be OK to add a 2 - 3" Crocea Clam or will a few be enough to kill it?

Also, I haven't noticed as many as before. Is it possible that my Yellow Candy Hog might be eating them? I see it constantly searching the LR for food.

I wouldn't put any clams in the tank until the pyramids are completely eliminated. you can maybe get a six lined wrasse to help patrol for them.
I think steven is right about adding the clam. It would not be wise to add such a large and stationary food source for the snails. Your hog could be feeding on them.
I removed my snails. Now how long do I need to wait before putting them back?

Also, I'm hearing that the snails that feed off of Astreas won't feed off of Clams. Any idea if this is correct?
If you do a seach, Dr Ron has said before that these parasites are pretty specific. Thus, the ones that attack snails don't attack clams and visa versa.

It might be possible that you have both; but, if you have never had a clam in the tank, there wouldn't be anything to have kept those parasites alive.

Best of luck,
