One last thing I forgot to include, why call this thread the Golden Reef tank?
I'm calling the thread "A Golden Reef Tank" for a couple reasons. One is because of how I tried to design the tank to fit in the room.
The proportions for the tank's viewable area roughly match what mathematicians call the Golden Ratio.
Excerpt from the Wiki article on the
Golden Ratio:
"In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The figure on below illustrates the geometric relationship. Expressed algebraically, for quantities a and b with a > b > 0,
where the Greek letter phi ( or ) represents the golden ratio. Its value is:
where the Greek letter phi represents the golden ratio. Its value is:
So, the Golden Ratio is seen by some as the ideal proportion to base dimensions on. Why not try to build a tank that matches that?
The display area of this tank will be 48" x 48" (footprint) x 36" tall. The bottom 2" of the tank will be covered by the counter that will be installed around the perimeter which also covers up the 2" metal bracing that the manufacturer is installing. The top 2" of the tank will be covered by the hood which also has bracing. You won't see the water line or much of the sand bed from the display. That leaves 32" of vertical viewing pleasure. 32" x 48" roughly matches the Golden Ratio. It's a little too deep to be perfect, however the builder told me it would be cheaper to order a 36" deep tank than a 30-34" deep tank. So, who can refuse that?