a good fish trap for blue tang


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I have a 120 gallon tank and I need to get my blue hippo out. IT's about 4-5". What can I use to fish it out/trap it, without taking all the rocks out?

there are traps you can buy that have a sliding door. They work best if the fish you want to catch is not shy and has a veracious appetite...other fish will enter the trap too so you need patience
I have used everything from an anniversary clock glass dome (nearly invisible underwater) to a baited large wine carafe to a diagonal section of lighting grid which could be gently moved up to trap a fish in a corner where I could net him. Her. It.
There's also the old two liter soda bottle trap - google it, and if you're feeling sporty, a tiny hook and line. Or you could chase it into it's favorite rock and take the rock out.
TY everyone.. I like the 2 liter soda bottle. I bet in a week's time Tang will go in it. It's not super urgent so even if it's a few weeks. Tang can be mean on rare occasion, he's beaten up at least one of my anthias. Another is now missing so "he's" suspect. I know it's odd, as he seems happy in the tank. I know he woudl outgrow the tank, but I wasn't anticpaing to have to get him out at 'only' 4+". Such a nice fish that gets even more amazing the bigger he gets. He looked awekward at one point, then grew into a swan lol. And as mean as one :-D
That's so true about blue tangs - they're happy and mean at the same time. Lot's of personality, even with barely seeable eyes. I know you're sorry to have to remove it. Good call though.
if they get too big for a trap, they get big enough for a small hook and line. Bait it with nori or shrimp (whatever "dori" prefers). You wouldn't be the fist person to try to re-home a big tang to catch it with a hook. Good luck!
If you do decide to go "˜fishing' please remember to use a barbless hook or to crush the barb down with pliers before using it.

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A while back I had a yellow tang that gotten so aggressive I had to get him out. After trying other methods with varying results, I got up around 2 am and shined a light directly at the tang. He was stunned/disoriented long enough for me to scoop him up easily in a net, avoiding the coral and rocks. Once in the net he was P***ED! The deed was done though, without any noticeable long term effects and he went to a new home.
By far the easiest method I ever tried. He was obviously traumatized for a short time, like any method, but no cost or damage to rocks or coral.
A while back I had a yellow tang that gotten so aggressive I had to get him out. After trying other methods with varying results, I got up around 2 am and shined a light directly at the tang. He was stunned/disoriented long enough for me to scoop him up easily in a net, avoiding the coral and rocks. Once in the net he was P***ED! The deed was done though, without any noticeable long term effects and he went to a new home.
By far the easiest method I ever tried. He was obviously traumatized for a short time, like any method, but no cost or damage to rocks or coral.

What "reefteaser" says.

Shine a light on the fish to temporary blind them. More specifically, a RED light if possible.

I don't remember the exact science of the red light, but I think it has smallest wavelength and not something fish are accustomed "seeing".

I want to say I saw it on BRSTV.
Maybe I just got lucky, but I threw a large rock that had a long hole going all the way through it in my tank. I waited for my blue tang to get comfortable with it and just put two nets down on both sides when he swam in. Then I just pulled the rock out, flipped it to its side, and let him plop into one of the nets.
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