A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

Keith!!!!! Holy Ships! Richmond?!?!?! Are you going big again? I can't wait to see you again. Are you coming in early to visit?

Chris, you are always welcome. Give me a ring. I too haven't had the best of luck with LED coloration. I have one of Aaron's DIY systems so the lighting scheme is the same. I'm amazed at what a difference a little bit of % change or time operating will make on the corals colors. I'll stick to Metal Halides for my main display for now.

MHG; What container are you referring to? The container that I use for my water changes? I picked that up at home depot. It was around $100.


I am getting ideas from DFWMAS, for my new system, but there are a limited amount of really knowledgeable hobbyists. I think with the exception of about 4-5 hobbiests, everyone has chimmed in *chuckle*. If you are interested in helping out, please do. I will start a build thread once I get better ideas.

Yep David the RVA, Richmond, VA for now. You know how I am though. Nothing is permanent.

Big is a relative term Ryan. I am setting up a 180G, about 250 total gallons. I would say that's medium sized. Some would call it big :)

Most likely we'll be in at least a little early to visit everyone. etc. I am going to try to spend the whole week before there but that just depends on how crazy work gets in between now and then. I'm hoping it will settle a bit. It's taking me forever to get this tank up because I have been travelling so freaking much! Hopefully after June it will settle down but I'm only home 2 weeks between now and the end of June.
Is there anyway you could post some additional pics and details on how you trimed out your access lid for the front? I have pretty much the same set up and love the way you finished this out. I would greatly appreciate it.

If you're going to keep this thread going while you install the tank, I'll subscribe. It's previous incarnation looks pretty good.

Say hello to your wife. I hope she participates. I won't hit on her every time she contributes.