a little bitter.. marron clown died...pics inside.


New member
Guys this was my first fish in the tank for the year it has been setup...

Well 2 days ago I noticed a smal chunk of his pectoral fin missing but didn't make a big deal thinking it could have been some small aggression...and it was already growing back.

Anyways today I went t the beach in the afternoon but didn't realy look at my maroon but arrived tonight at 9 to find my poor maroon looked as if it was beat to ****e. It's gold stripes were faded almost entirely fins were extremely frayed...all of them and seemed to be covered in a white slime but not entirely and breahting very heavily... long story short my maroon died about a half hour later.. I am not to thrilled especially after having her for a year. I added these pics to show if anyone can give me some feedback... Thanks again,



Man that sucks, I think its gunna be sad if one of my pairs die on me. They have been with me from the start.
Tank mates are

snow flake eel (well fed)
blue jaw trigger
gold hamlet
falco hawkfish

But man they have been great for a year...and literally from the night before to the next day the fish looked HORRIBLE!

Kinda sad.. but I would love to have known what the hell did her in...kinda hard to diagnose considering it was within a day she met her demise.

mighta been brook? and the chunk missing is from her rubbing on the rocks very hard.

just a thought, id imagine your clown would be the most agressive in that tank.
I thought brook as well but figured it would hit the rest of the fish in there....either way....kinda sucks...

the blue trigger believe it or not is a freakin teddy bear!

And yes the clown was the most aggressive out of the bunch usually chasing everyone away from her corner she hung out at and sometimes chase in general...Maybe they conspired to get rid of her...:rolleyes: anyhow thanks for the words and feedback...

On a better note I have to thank TorryRX who actually had a flame angel to provide me in my search for one....She is a beauty and indonesian from her color scheme so I am happy on that note. Thanks again everyone...

Check water quality, any recent changes you made. Maroon clowns are extremely tough. I've had one for 4 years, it went from a 14 hex to a 55. It has survived every stupid newbie mistake I ever made and today is happily lolling around in a BTA.