A little help With a FTS

I'm trying to take a good FTS with my camera but it comes out a little fuzzy I am new to DSLR so any help would be appreciative.

Here is an example:


Thanks, Richard.
Tripod or stable object and manual focus. Switch to a manual mode such as aperture priority. Adjust white balance and shoot raw. Do you have Lightroom? Download the 30 day trial, its great for photo editing

What kind of camera?
It was on a tripod, lol I suck. It was on manual mode ISO-400 1/80 no Lightroom I use Gimp. The camera is a Canon Rebel xti with the stock lens.
You might try using a remote shutter release or self timer to avoid blur from wiggling the camera while pushing the shutter release button.

Then sharpen the image during post processing.

As a guideline, when shooting tanks, always shoot straight through the glass. Shooting at an angle introduces visual distortion. That's not the issue here though.

Cropping the picture to remove everything outside the tank also helps to eliminate distractions and direct attention to the interior of the tank where it belongs.
In addition to what Reef Bass has said, maybe try and put some cardboard or something in front of the lighting to block it out during exposure, and then crop it out in post to just show the front glass portion of the tank - you may get a more even exposure that way. Also, you said what shutter speed and ISO you used, but not what aperture... for FTS, you'll want something mid-range... f11 is a good starting point... maybe even try going into Av mode and imputting something mid range, set it to fire on the 2 or 10 second delay on a tripod, and also maybe try metering so you are underexposed by a stop... or even a stop and a half. That usually works. Also, no need to buy lightroom or trial it, you can do WB correction in Digital Photo Professional, the software that came with your Canon Camera. Just do a quick google search on DPP and white balance correction. HTH. Try again and repost!