This is a short reply, the verbose version will follow tomorrow, but you considered draining from display to the sump and then overflowing from the sump to the fuge and then returning?
I did consider that but there are 2 thoughts deterring me from running it that way.
-The main reason is that the fuge is tempered glass so I have to drain the water with a gravity siphon. This means the fuge needs to be lifted up higher then the sump which will basically be sitting on the ground. With the lift, the top of the fuge will be higher then the drain lines coming through the wall.
- My second thought was now I am planning a 2 inch or so sand bed in the display and a DSB in the 75 fuge. I feel by running the drain water to the sump where it can pass the skimmer first could be a good idea. Hopefully this will lead to less detritus making it's way to the fuge allowing it to do it's thing and not build up or trap as much physical waste inside the fuge.
But really, the first reason is the issue. I was going to sell the 75 tank. The whole reason for upgrading the DT was because of the tempered glass and lack of overflow in the old 75. I didn't see the benefits of spending the $ on an overflow system when I was building the fresh tank. Now I know better :hmm2: But then when I decided to put the filtration in the closet, it seemed dumb to sell the tank for pennies when I could up the amount of over all water in the system.
So I thought I was going to get a bunch of tank time in, but then I picked up a contract last week. I worked every day through till last night, so I'd been busy. But I gotta work so I can get money to spend on the tank :strooper: I managed to do a little something though...
- I managed to get the self leveling siphon mostly done. It's not primed and glued yet, just a dry fit assembly. I also need to grab a tube of silicone and drill in a check or bleed valve on the up and over section. Next is to get that valve installed and the frame for the fuge built so I can test the siphon on the actual system.
I was going to go about that today, but I'm not so sure I'll be able to now. My wife's car won't start this morning :angryfire: So she's off in my car and I'm stuck at home. I can do what I can with what I have here I guess. :worried: I wonder how much this is going to cost... I may not be making much progress depending on how this goes. :worried: As my Mom used to tell me "It's always something."
On a more positive note though... This got delivered last week! My new RO/DI unit is here. So even though I've got a bunch of plumbing and things still to do, I'm getting pieces together so once it's plumbed, I can get the water in there and get the cycle going!
And of course any plumbers out there, I'm still open to any help :idea: