A Living Room Reef: 90 Gallon Mixed Reef Build

Oh my god Troub, you wrote a Novel!! :p

Seriously, I'm a bit pressed for time today, so replied in blue :p

We got our salinity around 1.020 or so while filling the tank. I'll have to check it again tonight after we finished topping off the last of the RO water this morning to get it full. Obviously looking to slightly up that as we go. But there's still 75 - 85 gallons to mix into the system. And we can bring the salt content up as needed during the cycle and it shouldn't hurt anything, right?

Right now, since there isn't much that's live, shouldn't hurt. Additionally, I believe most hitchhikers that survive the trip on the live rock are pretty tough :thumbsup:

Water temp (without heaters installed yet) was sitting around 79-80 last night and 77 this morning. With no animals in there, as long as we keep it in the 70-80 range for now, that's fine for setting up and cycling the tank, yes?

I keep my drop off reef at 81-83 (to save money on electricity) ......... so no problem :)

I'm going to get the protein skimmer running sometime between now and Sunday. I may end up having Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon off work. Maybe lots of time to get some more things done!

Awesome, have you decided on a skimmer? I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here, ignore it at will :), but I recommend a DC powered skimmer. Easy to adjust :thumbsup:

Would it be worthwhile to start up the UV unit (which is already plumbed in) during the cycling process? I have some limited plugs available for now until I get the electrical run done. So I may have to pick and choose a few pieces to run until then.

I wouldn't run the UV during the cycling process. Disclaimer: I have never used a UV unit before. Once your bacterial population is established, fire it up

Of course, if I have a long weekend. I'll be finishing up bringing the fuge on line. Maybe cherry pick some live rock to help seed the system and stuff.

Hope you get some nice pieces, I'd a bring few pieces, of quality rock. Excess can always be dumped in the fuge :)

Call it out if you see I'm missing things or if there are things I should be doing as I get the tank underway? Since it's my first salt set up and cycle, I'm open to recommendations from experience. Once I get the skimmer going... should I ghost feed a little or anything? Or will the live sand and cherry picked live rock be enough to jump start the cycle and get the system establishing? Right now, I've just got the powerheads in the DT with the return pump running to turn over the water until I can get back to dabbling this weekend.

I believe the rock will start off the cycle, you'll know cos you'll see algae in a few days. If not, then perhaps, a ghost feed may be required. And I agree with biggles on this....once cycling is done, start with corals first and fish later.....I see a yellow tang in your future :p

Sorry Troub for the terse reply :), will get back later
ifringe: I definitely put some time in on the planning phase. Mostly because I had to slowly collect bits and pieces of equipment needed over time. I couldn't afford 1 GIANT bill for all the bits, pieces, bells, and whistles. But I could afford to collect the pieces over time, study, plan ahead, and slowly build up to FINALLY having water in part of the system! I'm excited to get through these next few stages and be able to just sit back and stare at water, rock, and sand.... for the time...

JohnniG: Thanks! I'm really liking how the stand looks in the room. We changed over from a honey-oak stand to this cherry-oak finish. Which I think was the right call seeing it all come together in place. I think I will be building onto it some eventually down the line. I think I'm going to need more room above the tank, so I'm planning to build an oak "lift" for the hood. Basically a 3 sided oak box stained to match that covers the trim of the DT and gives me maybe an extra 5 inches above the tank inside the hood. But I can dabble with that between getting the whole system filled and cycling and starting to build my eventual LED's.

Now that's what i call a bloody good update Troub - please note the number of pics included Bello......... there's no need to include pics of vagrants who wander in off the streets while you're working on the tank btw Troub, i hope you gave him something to eat other than a glass cookie...........
- HA!!!! Vagrants wandering in off the streets!!! :lmao: I wonder what my wife would say... she married that bum! :bum: lol

The minute a coral hits that water it's on......... Won't be long now until your wife is asking you ' why does rude aussie guy keep posting pics of his SCC in your journal honey....'
- You're probably going to have a few minutes to wait until any corals hit the water. I have lots to bring online first, and then to deal with lighting so my new coral buddies can bask in the warm LED "tropic" sun. And if she asks that, I'd probably say.... "Well, SOMEBODY might as well post pictures of lovely corals in my journal. Because we all know right now I can't :uzi:"

I'm one step closer though... We've got water! :deadhorse1: I know... you probably get it by now... I have water and can stop repeating ;-) :deadhorse1:

Bello: You don't need to apologize about your "terse" reply. It's very acceptable to reply to a Novel with a Novella! I had a slow day yesterday and had the time. No more LONG weekend for me. Those plans died quickly. Now I'm back to the grind today and working Fri/Sat. as well. But I WILL get Sun/Mon off this weekend. So I'll still get a bit more accomplished on the Fuge set up and fill. And thanks for the responses and good info.

- good to know on the salinity levels. I'm going to let it sit where it's at for now. When I get the Fuge plumbed back in and mix up the water for that. I'll try to bring the levels up to more normal reef keeping heights. I just wanted to double check I wouldn't be hurting the live sand and live rock I'll be seeding into the tank.

- I was assuming the temp wasn't a big issue. It doesn't seem to be getting cold enough at night to drastically drop the temp yet. So that will make things easier for cycling. I have limited plugs to run things on until I get that electrical run. So not having to keep the 2 heaters plugged in right now is a big help!

- I appreciate the .02 cents on the skimmer! I'll add it to my "buy a coral" savings fund :idea: Keep it coming... all those cents add up! :bounce2: I already have a skimmer. I picked up a new Bubble-Magus NAC 6 on a holiday sale awhile back while collecting equipment. I actually had it all assembled sitting and waiting. I dropped it into the center section of my sump last night and fired it up. I figured there will be a break in period on it. Plus, the water is a giant tank of milk right now from the sand. So I figured it would help to clear up the tank a bit as it all settles out. I never saw it bubble over into the cup yesterday. But when I woke up this morning, there was a cup full of skimmer "milk" waiting for me.

- I'm looking forward to grabbing a few pieces of cured live rock from the LFS's. I heard a new store just opened up near me. The pictures I saw of the store looked good. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I think I'll pick up 1 piece of live rock from each LFS. Just to seed the system with a number of different sources. I figured it couldn't hurt. And I'll need to be careful how much I over buy on the LR. I've already got a good 4 or 5 big dry pieces left for the Fuge and sump from the aquascaping build.

- Good to know on seeing the algae start probably in a few days (even with no lights running on the tank yet?) Yeah, any tips on what to look for, see, expect during the cycling / get it up and running process is good info for me. I'm not expecting to add any fish into the system for a few months probably. I might, at some point soon, set up a small 10 gallon QT system though and drop 1 little guy in there to add into the big system when it's ready. But realistically... I think we're going to sit on fish for a bit. We're kind of excited to seed the system and watch the micro-fauna build a solid population. I'd like a Mandarin pair down the road. So letting the pods establish before introducing any fish is a top priority for us. And I'd LOVE to drop in a coral or two before the fish. But we still got to cross the lighting off the list first. Maybe a Yellow Tang in the future. But that's a long ways off I think. I'm assuming a YT would be best to add in at the end. Get all my small non-aggressive guys first. Then cap off the tank with maybe a YT and Coral Beauty or something... But all in good time... all in good time...

But I'm guessing some snails and maybe a shrimp are getting closer now! Well, back to work... lunch time is over :furious:
- I was assuming the temp wasn't a big issue. It doesn't seem to be getting cold enough at night to drastically drop the temp yet. So that will make things easier for cycling. I have limited plugs to run things on until I get that electrical run. So not having to keep the 2 heaters plugged in right now is a big help!

Well, the weekend's here, its about time to call your friend over for the electricals.....don't post pics of your BBQ, you'll just make me hungry and irritable:p

- I appreciate the .02 cents on the skimmer! I'll add it to my "buy a coral" savings fund :idea: Keep it coming... all those cents add up! :bounce2: I already have a skimmer. I picked up a new Bubble-Magus NAC 6 on a holiday sale awhile back while collecting equipment. I actually had it all assembled sitting and waiting. I dropped it into the center section of my sump last night and fired it up. I figured there will be a break in period on it. Plus, the water is a giant tank of milk right now from the sand. So I figured it would help to clear up the tank a bit as it all settles out. I never saw it bubble over into the cup yesterday. But when I woke up this morning, there was a cup full of skimmer "milk" waiting for me.

Oops, forgot that you already picked up a skimmer :lol: Is it still skimming? It should stop pulling out anything soon, since your tank is fairly sterile at the moment. Once you start adding stuff, you'll see some good skimming and have a better chance at dialing it in

- I'm looking forward to grabbing a few pieces of cured live rock from the LFS's. I heard a new store just opened up near me. The pictures I saw of the store looked good. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I think I'll pick up 1 piece of live rock from each LFS. Just to seed the system with a number of different sources. I figured it couldn't hurt. And I'll need to be careful how much I over buy on the LR. I've already got a good 4 or 5 big dry pieces left for the Fuge and sump from the aquascaping build.

I'm not sure about rock from many different stores. Pro: Lots more diversity Con: Better chances of getting pesky pests. I'd consider getting some good quality rock from one place, whether its a higher price or not. BTW, you'd really need to get some form of lighting up and running.

- Good to know on seeing the algae start probably in a few days (even with no lights running on the tank yet?) Yeah, any tips on what to look for, see, expect during the cycling / get it up and running process is good info for me. I'm not expecting to add any fish into the system for a few months probably. I might, at some point soon, set up a small 10 gallon QT system though and drop 1 little guy in there to add into the big system when it's ready. But realistically... I think we're going to sit on fish for a bit. We're kind of excited to seed the system and watch the micro-fauna build a solid population. I'd like a Mandarin pair down the road. So letting the pods establish before introducing any fish is a top priority for us. And I'd LOVE to drop in a coral or two before the fish. But we still got to cross the lighting off the list first. Maybe a Yellow Tang in the future. But that's a long ways off I think. I'm assuming a YT would be best to add in at the end. Get all my small non-aggressive guys first. Then cap off the tank with maybe a YT and Coral Beauty or something... But all in good time... all in good time...

But I'm guessing some snails and maybe a shrimp are getting closer now! Well, back to work... lunch time is over :furious:[/QUOTE]

I forgot about the lighting part earlier. If there's no lighting, you may not see algae. I'd rather have the lighting ready before I really splurge on the live rock, if that makes sense. However, it'll probably work with just dumping in the live rock without lights, just that you may lose some photosynthetic life, if any. I think you may as well get your salinity up also to 1.025. I don't think there'll be any loss of life if you don't but why risk it.

I know you've got your hands full, but hey, welcome to reefing :).
I know you've got your hands full, but hey, welcome to reefing.

Hands full.?.?. BAH! :wavehand: I'm managing. No little kiddo's yet, so it's just managing to fit it all in between my crazy overtime hours right now. But as you've been seeing ... P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S ... :thumbsup:

But first off. Thanks for all the feedback from everyone! It's really encouraging and helpful having some advice along the way. Much appreciated :thumbsup:

Unfortunately, there was no bbq last weekend :-( I ended up having to work Saturday. Then I spent Sunday and the holiday on Monday lying on the couch trying to relax and finished getting the Refugium filled with water and tied the plumbing into the full system.

So after bringing the Fuge online, our salinity is sitting right at 1.025. So we are rocking and rolling there. I knew I had to mix 75 more gallons of saltwater. So I was just waiting till then to bring up the salt content.

Some pics of the fuge process:
- Adding dry sand -

- Dry sand bed and newly drilled and plumbed end of the tank -

- Top down plumbing pic -

- Another plumbing end pic and some premordial soup from the dry sand, live sand, and mud to form the deep sand bed -

- The fuge soup starting to settle out from the first round of water -

- Almost full! -

- Layers settling out in the fuge -

- More to show and tell in a moment!
Oops, forgot that you already picked up a skimmer Is it still skimming? It should stop pulling out anything soon, since your tank is fairly sterile at the moment. Once you start adding stuff, you'll see some good skimming and have a better chance at dialing it in
- My skimmer goes through fits. It won't skim anything for a day and just bubble away about 3/4's of the way up the neck. Then I go to sleep or go to work for a day, come back 8-12 hours later, and the cup is about 3/4's full of water with a heavy layer of sediment or milky sand at the bottom. But I'm guessing that you're spot on Bello. It's a fairly clean tank still, so this seems to make sense and be normal. I feel good just knowing that it CAN bubble high enough to overflow into the cup. And I assume once I get more DLP's (as biggles calls them) it will become more consistent and easier to dial in.

So in the process of getting Fuge set up, we made a trip to a new LFS in our area. It looks like it's going to be a pretty nice place. Small and cozy, but nice. And currently the prices are right :thumbsup: We ended up getting just under 10 pounds of (what I think) is some nice LR to seed the tank with!!! I grabbed it for $4 per pound for some Fiji rock covered in some deep redish purples. All of this went directly into the display tank. I plan on making a second round LR purchasing to add into the Fuge. I just didn't have water in it yet when we picked up the first round of rock.

But I think I'll be back at that store in the next week or so to grab a few more pounds of their live rock to add into the system. I had 4 or 5 big chunks of dry rock left from the aquascape that went into the sump/fuge. But I'd like to add in a few more good size pieces of rock into that mix.

And now, the rest of what you've all been waiting for...

- It's starting to settle down and clear up! -

- 24 Hours later... still about the same -

- Another day later... and look! :eek1: some LIVE ROCK!!!! -

- And some more proof for Bello that my hands aren't too full :lol: POWER! :strooper: -

- Just another shot with the TEMPORARY lighting solution after adding the live rock -

- OooOOOOoooOOooo - Deep Blue Sea -

So this temporary lighting set up is just so "we have something over the tank." Even though it's not a really high output fixture. It should help out a little bit for the live rock we just added. I picked up some egg crate and laid it over the water under the hood and have my old standard T5 fixture from my freshwater tank. The T5 has a (1) bright white and (1) actinic bulb in it. We also have my old cheap-o blue LED fixture that was the moonlight on my freshwater tank.

- To many pictures!!! -
- And NOW.... the refugium comes online - POOF!!!! :angryfire: LOL -

- And finally - TA-DA!!! :celeb3: -

- A close up of some of the newly added LR. I played with my phone camera settings on these next two a bit, but it's now a little to under saturated. The reddish-purple on the LR is a lot more like the FTS above.


Well, now what is next? I can let it run and cycle this way for a bit and take a deep breath. But I've got so much momentum!

- I have permission to order up the components for the LED build! The wife wants fish and corals... NOW... since the water is clear. LOL

- I need to get some LR for the Fuge. But I'm starting to push the limits on electrical outlets and things I can have turned on without getting this electrical extension run. That bbq with my friend for his electrical help is going to be done as soon as I can convince him to come by on a weekend. I have to not be working on a weekend first. GrrRRRrrrrrr.

- I can build some shelves out of lighting egg crate for my rocks in the Fuge and sump.

- We spent LOTS of time researching and discussing a stocking list for our system while filtering and mixing water to fill it up. I would be open to hearing potential stocking choices (and the stocking order) if anyone wants to throw ideas at us. You never know, maybe one will stick and you'll get a fish named after you in our system ;-) We have a list planned out, which I will put out here soon after these updates register. But I'd be curious to other peoples ideas on an interesting stock list for our system.

For me, the next BIG thing that must get done is this electrical extension. So I'm going to be pushing for that. However, I may order up those LED build pieces since I have permission. But there are probably a number of things I could be doing in the meantime. I need to learn to check my Ca, Alk, Mg tests. We have OLD, expired, strip tests for PH, Alk, No3, No2, and Amonnia. I've done one round of tests with those and recorded them. I want to do a second test now (about 4 or 5 days later) and compare the results.

I have one other thing that I'm looking into. Since the electrical is not done. I was thinking about picking up the 9 item Mix-n-Match special from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms to seed the system with a bunch of pods, worms, etc. Since I used almost all dead rock and sand. I think it might be worthwhile to start the system off with a true seeding package to try and get a healthy diversity in the micro life since we're looking at a Mandarin down the line. Anyone have thoughts on that? When do you feel it would be safe during the cycling time to seed pods, additional worms, mini-stars, etc with some macro-algea in the fuge? I currently have just enough outlets to run the 2 fuge CFL lamps. My thought was... I'd rather get it seeded as soon as possible and let those populations develop and enjoy watching the micro-macro world of my reef for a bit while getting the electricity and high-end lighting organized.

Tanks really looking great. I would make sure you replace all of those zip ties with proper hose clamps. Lots of stories of plumbing coming apart and the resulting disasters.
And finally - TA-DA!!! :celeb3: -

Looking great Troub, won't be long now and you'll be freaking out at all the green hair algae covering that scape lol. :thumbsup: Order the LED components now mate, the sooner you have them over the display the better so everything is settling in to the conditions you'll be running the tank under full time.
More LR in the fuge asap and then it's a matter of watching and waiting out the cycle. I always throw snails in after the ammonia has zeroed out, nitrites are dropping and nitrates are rising. Otherwise you can wait for the nitrites to bottom out at which time your nitrates will be pretty high, do a few 10-20% water changes and throw in a cleanup crew - the more the better.
I'd be feeding that LR with a small pinch of food every day now, might as well get the ball well and truly rolling as the algae is going to come anyway so let's get the whole thing over and done with and then we can load you up with lots of cool corals and fish suggestions. :)

I want to be the 4ft black tip reef shark btw, just getting my order in early........ i don't care what Bello is cause i'm gonna eat everyone else you put in there......:dance:
Well, now what is next? I can let it run and cycle this way for a bit and take a deep breath. But I've got so much momentum!

- I have permission to order up the components for the LED build! The wife wants fish and corals... NOW... since the water is clear. LOL

- I need to get some LR for the Fuge. But I'm starting to push the limits on electrical outlets and things I can have turned on without getting this electrical extension run. That bbq with my friend for his electrical help is going to be done as soon as I can convince him to come by on a weekend. I have to not be working on a weekend first. GrrRRRrrrrrr.

- I can build some shelves out of lighting egg crate for my rocks in the Fuge and sump.

- We spent LOTS of time researching and discussing a stocking list for our system while filtering and mixing water to fill it up. I would be open to hearing potential stocking choices (and the stocking order) if anyone wants to throw ideas at us. You never know, maybe one will stick and you'll get a fish named after you in our system ;-) We have a list planned out, which I will put out here soon after these updates register. But I'd be curious to other peoples ideas on an interesting stock list for our system.

For me, the next BIG thing that must get done is this electrical extension. So I'm going to be pushing for that. However, I may order up those LED build pieces since I have permission. But there are probably a number of things I could be doing in the meantime. I need to learn to check my Ca, Alk, Mg tests. We have OLD, expired, strip tests for PH, Alk, No3, No2, and Amonnia. I've done one round of tests with those and recorded them. I want to do a second test now (about 4 or 5 days later) and compare the results.

I have one other thing that I'm looking into. Since the electrical is not done. I was thinking about picking up the 9 item Mix-n-Match special from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms to seed the system with a bunch of pods, worms, etc. Since I used almost all dead rock and sand. I think it might be worthwhile to start the system off with a true seeding package to try and get a healthy diversity in the micro life since we're looking at a Mandarin down the line. Anyone have thoughts on that? When do you feel it would be safe during the cycling time to seed pods, additional worms, mini-stars, etc with some macro-algea in the fuge? I currently have just enough outlets to run the 2 fuge CFL lamps. My thought was... I'd rather get it seeded as soon as possible and let those populations develop and enjoy watching the micro-macro world of my reef for a bit while getting the electricity and high-end lighting organized.


Looking great Troub, won't be long now and you'll be freaking out at all the green hair algae covering that scape lol. :thumbsup: Order the LED components now mate, the sooner you have them over the display the better so everything is settling in to the conditions you'll be running the tank under full time.
More LR in the fuge asap and then it's a matter of watching and waiting out the cycle. I always throw snails in after the ammonia has zeroed out, nitrites are dropping and nitrates are rising. Otherwise you can wait for the nitrites to bottom out at which time your nitrates will be pretty high, do a few 10-20% water changes and throw in a cleanup crew - the more the better.
I'd be feeding that LR with a small pinch of food every day now, might as well get the ball well and truly rolling as the algae is going to come anyway so let's get the whole thing over and done with and then we can load you up with lots of cool corals and fish suggestions. :)

I want to be the 4ft black tip reef shark btw, just getting my order in early........ i don't care what Bello is cause i'm gonna eat everyone else you put in there......:dance:

+1 to what biggles said, except for the black tip reef shark bit :p

Troub, if you want my LED config and suggestions on purchases from whereabouts, PM me. BTW, if you wanna add 420nm leds, get it from biggles's home state, you won't regret it. Trust me on this.

I'd also consider getting the electricals done asap, because if you're gonna need any weird access points, it'll be difficult later once the tank is settled.

As far as adding the critters, I'd go with what biggles said, since I've never done the same.... Don't have access to all the goodies that you guys get :(
Tanks really looking great. I would make sure you replace all of those zip ties with proper hose clamps. Lots of stories of plumbing coming apart and the resulting disasters.

Hi Scffvariable! Thanks for the complement! I appreciate you dropping by and the feed back. I'll look into adding some clamps into a soon to be future order and getting that fixed up properly. Since we drilled the Fuge to avoid a potential flood disaster, it only makes sense to properly secure the rest of the plumbing to avoid a flood. :thumbsup:

Looking great Troub, won't be long now and you'll be freaking out at all the green hair algae covering that scape lol. Order the LED components now mate, the sooner you have them over the display the better so everything is settling in to the conditions you'll be running the tank under full time.
More LR in the fuge asap and then it's a matter of watching and waiting out the cycle. I always throw snails in after the ammonia has zeroed out, nitrites are dropping and nitrates are rising. Otherwise you can wait for the nitrites to bottom out at which time your nitrates will be pretty high, do a few 10-20% water changes and throw in a cleanup crew - the more the better.
I'd be feeding that LR with a small pinch of food every day now, might as well get the ball well and truly rolling as the algae is going to come anyway so let's get the whole thing over and done with and then we can load you up with lots of cool corals and fish suggestions.

I want to be the 4ft black tip reef shark btw, just getting my order in early........ i don't care what Bello is cause i'm gonna eat everyone else you put in there......

HA!!! 4ft black tip... biggles, my tank is only 4 feet long. I think you'd be a little uncomfortable and cramped in there. :lmao:

I think I'm already starting to see some algae popping up from the live rock I added and the temp lighting solution. Definitely time to start scrubbing the glass. I'm thinking I'll head back out to the new LFS and grab additional Live Rock for the Fuge this weekend. The tank is all settled out and crystal clear now. I'm looking forward to testing the parameters a few more times this weekend. I should probably be keeping a closer eye then I am on those right now. But I'm only looking to seed "pods/worms/etc" soon. And I'm pretty sure my parameters are in line for them. Pending Ammonia/Nitrite starting to bottom out.

Do you have any opinions on worms in a reef, pods, etc? I am thinking about ordering from (http://www.ipsf.com/index.html) and getting there "Pick 9 mix 'n match special." Obviously we want to seed the fuge with their Amphipod Breeding Kit (counts as 3 of 9). 2 orders of 6 bristle worms (6 for DT, 6 for Fuge). 6 Adult Strombus Grazers (split 3/3 to DT/Fuge), their "Reef Pods" (20 specimens) to seed the LR in DT with, they sell 6 "sand bed clams" (would these be worth it? system not established enough? or just a waste?) split 3/3 in DT/Fuge. That is 8 of the 9 items. I'd like to see if I could swap in their Mini-Stars for my 9th item. And then maybe ask if I could get some Spaghetti Worms in place of 1 of the bristle worms. But I'm thinking we might start off our CUC soon with one of these package options. Then add in additional snails and such as needed from LFS.

+1 to what biggles said, except for the black tip reef shark bit

Troub, if you want my LED config and suggestions on purchases from whereabouts, PM me. BTW, if you wanna add 420nm leds, get it from biggles's home state, you won't regret it. Trust me on this.

I'd also consider getting the electricals done asap, because if you're gonna need any weird access points, it'll be difficult later once the tank is settled.

As far as adding the critters, I'd go with what biggles said, since I've never done the same.... Don't have access to all the goodies that you guys get

Thanks Bello. PM sent :artist: Yeah... the electrical is top of my list. We're going to my friends place this weekend. Time to put the pressure on to get a bbq going and get it done! :twitch: But in the mean time. I want to keep my momentum going and get a few more things pushed towards completion.

Any thoughts on the worms and other creepy crawlies I mentioned above to start my CUC with and let establish before heading towards fish and shrimp? I'm thinking it's best to start at the bottom and work my way up since it was a sterile, dry system.

Anyway, this weekend is on to ordering up the parts for my full spectrum LED build. Grabbing some more LR to seed the Fuge with. And I desperately need to trouble shoot some salt creep / bubble popping issues in my sump. I've been running a sock for a few days. I'm not going to do it all the time. But now that the tank is clear, I will probably pull that. So I've got my bubble issue there (when the sock is not in place). And a new bubble spray issue where the fuge drains back into the sump. There is A LOT more air in the line with the new bulkhead drain. The plumbing is running fine, but getting lots of spray from bubbles that I would like to eliminate. Maybe I'll get some close up pictures of the problem areas to see if there are any ideas out there to solve it.

Thanks for all the input and feed back though! It's all much appreciated and please feel free to keep it all coming! :beer:
OK! I've been shopping around for some LEDs today and am getting close to ordering up all my parts. A couple questions to put out there. I've been getting some good help and feedback today trying to come up with a color ratio. I think something along the following lines is where I'm headed.

- 14 - Cool White - CREE XP-G 5w
- 6 - Neutral White - CREE XP-G 5W
- 14 - Royal Blue - CREE XT-E
- 4 - Blue - CREE XP-E Blue 3W
- 6 - Violet 410/420nm
- 2 - Red - CREE XP-E 3W
- 2 - Cyan - Philips Rebel 3W

Any thoughts on that layout? This will be split onto 2 separate heat sinks with a fan and splash guard. I've gone back and forth on the above ratio with either the above option, or only 4 Violet and 6 Blues. The wife would prefer the tank not to be "to blue." So that's why I was leaning towards the listed option.

One thing that I'm trying to find or figure out though. Is how to split up the drivers. My thought was...

- Royal Blue - Blue - and Violet/UV - 700ma on one driver
- Cool White - Neutral White - and maybe a couple Royal Blues - 700ma on one driver
- Red - on it's own individual driver
- Cyan - on it's own individual driver

I'd like to be able to run the Cyan and Red channels on their own drivers because I'm worried they will over power the white channel. And I don't think I would want the red/cyan mixed in if I run only my blue/violet without the whites.

Now here's the problem. I'm having some trouble finding a solution to running 1 LED on a driver that uses a PWM signal. I have to run PWM if I want dimming control because it will be run through a Reef Angel PWM system. Does anyone know of a reliable place to source appropriate drivers for these 4 LEDs? Or should I not worry about it and run the red/cyan with the Cool/Neutral whites dimmers?

Thanks for any help and I'm looking forward to getting all these pieces ordered and in the mail this weekend if I can!
Yeah, the mini bubbles are bloody irritating. You could always just stick with the filter sock, but it's irritating to clean, time and again.

I dunno about biggles, but we really have no choice when we look for critters here. Its basically what you get off the rock, that's it. The only cleanup crew I've added, if it may be called that, are turbo (Trochus) snails (which can knock off coral, and die if they tip over), potatoheads (in biggles terminology), and sea cucumbers or turds if you prefer :p

Looking over the link you posted, I like the stromubus snails, never used them, but always wanted to, maybe get 2. The sandbed clams sound kinda dodgy. I'd keep the 2 orders of bristleworms though. Everything else seems good. A current FTS of your tank would great. Actually, frequent FTS's would be good at this stage, so we can have an idea, and maybe offer some help :)

Looking at this led list, I'd still increase 2 more blues total, and reduce 2 royal blue in its place, but that's just me :)

I'd put the red/cyan/plus one extra blue on the blues drivers. 2 channels will be easy to program and maintain.

My fixtures only have 2 channels, that contain both whites and blues together. So the tank never looks too blue. Downside is, taking pics under blue leds is a b***h!!!
Ok... after my weekend I've got a few photo updates for you all. Mostly did lots of LED research and planning. I didn't get them ordered yet, but I'm one step closer. Hopefully they'll be on their way this week. Christmas tree / John Travolta tank here I come! :lol:

I'm still thinking about making a purchase to seed the rock and sand bed with the smaller critters of the reef. Use that purchase to start out our CUC.

We purchased another almost 10 lbs of Live Rock again this weekend. We got that added into the Fuge and set the Power Compacts up over that tank in the closet.

I tightened up the drilled bulkhead on the Fuge = no more salt creepy drip.

Still working on straightening out the micro-bubble spray issue in the sump. For now, wiping it down every few days will do until I can make a more permanent solution. And the filter sock solves 1 of the 2 issues. So I cleaned it out the first time over the weekend and am currently running it until I can get a better solution in place.

Other then that, I got a few "tables" built out of some egg crate and pvc to keep the Fuge rocks elevated above the sand bed. And a couple small pieces for the sump.

Now onto some pictures for you all.... :dance:
- Building some "tables" for the Fuge and Sump -




- Tables placed into Fuge and the sand storm I made is all settled out -



I still might need to add in another 10 pounds or so of sand into the fuge. It was a little over 4 inches all around. Now it's about 4 inches all over except where I dumped the water in when filling and dug out a huge hole.

- A shot of the lights turned on above the fuge. Still cloudy from me sticking my arms in there -
And here's a few shots of where we are at now. This past weekend was 2.5 full weeks into having water cycling through the system. (3 weekends with water)

Weekend #1 = DT filled with sand, rock, live sand, and cycling through return pump in sump

Weekend #2 = about 10 pounds LR added to DT and some temp lighting dropped on top. Drilled, filled, & plumbed in the Fuge. Fuge has additional 30 pounds dry rock, dry sand, 10 pounds live sand, no lighting.

Weekend #3 = About 10 more pounds of LR added to fug and compact florescents now on.

- A shot on Saturday after dropping in the additional 10 pounds LR. It went into DT for a bit until I could mess with the tables and lights in the fuge. It's a bit cloudy. I've been playing with the powerheads and causing sand storms some -

- It's alive! So I've been testing Ammonia, No2, No3 with our REALLY old (and far past expired) test strips. I need to get some new tests. I saw Ammonia rise and fall by over 50% on these old strips. Along with the others following what i would expect to see during a cycle. To be safe, I took a bucket of tank water to the LFS (to transport my new LR back in) and had them check all my tests. I was looking good, so I picked up ONLY 5 Astraea snails.

- Acclimated them for about an hour and a half. So far (3 days later) they're all still alive and have been cruising around the tank and in a new spot every morning.

- Just a close up of a new piece of LR for you -

- One of my 5 awesome snails made it from the sand bed up to here over night.

- And here will be the first of Bello's requested frequent FTS - for your review and comments/tips -

This is what the tank looked like this morning after letting it settle after a weekend of play and before heading off to work.

- And just for fun... here's the view from the Lazy-Boy Recliner on the left end of the tank. (overflow side of tank) -

- And from the couch/chair on the right hand end of the tank (large arch/pillar rock) -

Well, back to getting about my day. I'm going to let this sit with the new LR additions and 5 snails. I've started dropping a very small pinch of flake food into the DT and Fuge each day. I guess I'm just hoping to see new things start to change before I move forward with anything else that's alive. Next living stuff is probably seeding the rock and sand a bit more and then slowly building pieces to the CUC as needed.

In the meantime. I've got some lights to order, and a friend to sucker into doing some electrical work in exchange for some BBQ! :deadhorse1:
That's a ripper of an update Troub, everything is looking great and the cycle is well under way at last :thumbsup: If those snails are happily doing snaily things i'd order a heap more as lots of hairy food is going to appear in short order mate. Keep feeding the tank a small pinch each day, i like the rock on shelves to keep good flow around it btw, nice idea that mate. :)

I finally finished the CAD wiring diagram for your disco/xmas LED's so just follow the bulb layout and you should be golden mate...........

Great build thread, thanks for sharing!! Looks like when I finally take the plunge, I don't have to have everything at once and instead take it one step at a time like you've done here....
Great Thread. Thanks for sharing your build with us.

I'm in the beginning phase of setting up my 90. This thread is helping me a lot.
really helpful thread as im setting up a 90 gallon soon in my basement where did u get ther rock from? trying to find a nice cheap dry rock vendor hopefully with free shipping ..? nice setup well planned ill be following :)