ifringe: I definitely put some time in on the planning phase. Mostly because I had to slowly collect bits and pieces of equipment needed over time. I couldn't afford 1 GIANT bill for all the bits, pieces, bells, and whistles. But I could afford to collect the pieces over time, study, plan ahead, and slowly build up to FINALLY having water in part of the system! I'm excited to get through these next few stages and be able to just sit back and stare at water, rock, and sand.... for the time...
JohnniG: Thanks! I'm really liking how the stand looks in the room. We changed over from a honey-oak stand to this cherry-oak finish. Which I think was the right call seeing it all come together in place. I think I will be building onto it some eventually down the line. I think I'm going to need more room above the tank, so I'm planning to build an oak "lift" for the hood. Basically a 3 sided oak box stained to match that covers the trim of the DT and gives me maybe an extra 5 inches above the tank inside the hood. But I can dabble with that between getting the whole system filled and cycling and starting to build my eventual LED's.
Now that's what i call a bloody good update Troub - please note the number of pics included Bello......... there's no need to include pics of vagrants who wander in off the streets while you're working on the tank btw Troub, i hope you gave him something to eat other than a glass cookie...........
- HA!!!! Vagrants wandering in off the streets!!! :lmao: I wonder what my wife would say... she married that bum! :bum: lol
The minute a coral hits that water it's on......... Won't be long now until your wife is asking you ' why does rude aussie guy keep posting pics of his SCC in your journal honey....'
- You're probably going to have a few minutes to wait until any corals hit the water. I have lots to bring online first, and then to deal with lighting so my new coral buddies can bask in the warm LED "tropic" sun. And if she asks that, I'd probably say.... "Well, SOMEBODY might as well post pictures of lovely corals in my journal. Because we all know right now I can't :uzi:"
I'm one step closer though... We've got water! :deadhorse1: I know... you probably get it by now... I have water and can stop repeating ;-) :deadhorse1:
Bello: You don't need to apologize about your "terse" reply. It's very acceptable to reply to a Novel with a Novella! I had a slow day yesterday and had the time. No more LONG weekend for me. Those plans died quickly. Now I'm back to the grind today and working Fri/Sat. as well. But I WILL get Sun/Mon off this weekend. So I'll still get a bit more accomplished on the Fuge set up and fill. And thanks for the responses and good info.
- good to know on the salinity levels. I'm going to let it sit where it's at for now. When I get the Fuge plumbed back in and mix up the water for that. I'll try to bring the levels up to more normal reef keeping heights. I just wanted to double check I wouldn't be hurting the live sand and live rock I'll be seeding into the tank.
- I was assuming the temp wasn't a big issue. It doesn't seem to be getting cold enough at night to drastically drop the temp yet. So that will make things easier for cycling. I have limited plugs to run things on until I get that electrical run. So not having to keep the 2 heaters plugged in right now is a big help!
- I appreciate the .02 cents on the skimmer! I'll add it to my "buy a coral" savings fund :idea: Keep it coming... all those cents add up! :bounce2: I already have a skimmer. I picked up a new Bubble-Magus NAC 6 on a holiday sale awhile back while collecting equipment. I actually had it all assembled sitting and waiting. I dropped it into the center section of my sump last night and fired it up. I figured there will be a break in period on it. Plus, the water is a giant tank of milk right now from the sand. So I figured it would help to clear up the tank a bit as it all settles out. I never saw it bubble over into the cup yesterday. But when I woke up this morning, there was a cup full of skimmer "milk" waiting for me.
- I'm looking forward to grabbing a few pieces of cured live rock from the LFS's. I heard a new store just opened up near me. The pictures I saw of the store looked good. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I think I'll pick up 1 piece of live rock from each LFS. Just to seed the system with a number of different sources. I figured it couldn't hurt. And I'll need to be careful how much I over buy on the LR. I've already got a good 4 or 5 big dry pieces left for the Fuge and sump from the aquascaping build.
- Good to know on seeing the algae start probably in a few days (even with no lights running on the tank yet?) Yeah, any tips on what to look for, see, expect during the cycling / get it up and running process is good info for me. I'm not expecting to add any fish into the system for a few months probably. I might, at some point soon, set up a small 10 gallon QT system though and drop 1 little guy in there to add into the big system when it's ready. But realistically... I think we're going to sit on fish for a bit. We're kind of excited to seed the system and watch the micro-fauna build a solid population. I'd like a Mandarin pair down the road. So letting the pods establish before introducing any fish is a top priority for us. And I'd LOVE to drop in a coral or two before the fish. But we still got to cross the lighting off the list first. Maybe a Yellow Tang in the future. But that's a long ways off I think. I'm assuming a YT would be best to add in at the end. Get all my small non-aggressive guys first. Then cap off the tank with maybe a YT and Coral Beauty or something... But all in good time... all in good time...
But I'm guessing some snails and maybe a shrimp are getting closer now! Well, back to work... lunch time is over :furious: