A match not in heaven?


New member
I'm pretty sure what my answer will be, but ya never know...
I have a 100 gallon reef tank (48"Lx24"wx36"h) & have a Gem Tang who's about 4". He's fat, happy & healthy. His roommate is a small Chevron Tang. They get along perfectly & even take turns eating their daily nori. Together almost a year.
I have an amazing opportunity to pick up a beautiful Koi Scopas Tang.
I've always wanted one of these, and am willing to find the Chevron another home if necessary.
So.....I know my tank is too small for 3. My question is, will the Gem see a Yellow/blue/brown oddity as another Zebrasoma & freak out? I have mixed Zebrasoma's many years ago, but never these 2.
Opinions? (Be nice) :hmm5:
I wouldn't put 3 tangs in a tank the size of mine. Especially not tangs that cost that much money. If you are fortunate enough to have the resources to afford fish that cost that much, and want to keep all of then together, I'd consider upgrading your tank to something upwards of 200g.
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I don't personally see your tank as too small for zebrasoma. But I'd be thinking about re-homing the chevron. Those guys get huge, and I've noticed that there's a good deal of variation between the stated max size of a species and how common attaining that actually is. Purple tangs, for example, have a stated max size of 10" on Live Aquaria. I've never seen a purple tang get even close to that size, including 10+ year old specimens in an 8' tank. I'm obviously not rude enough to insist that someone net a fish out of their tank to measure it, but my best guess is that a 6" purple tang is the largest I've seen.

I have, however, seen an 8" or 9" mature chevron that was 3 years old.

But never mind the animal welfare aspect of it, there's no way I'd ever take a risk with a Gem Tang. They're not only very expensive, they're also somewhat rare, and it'd really suck to lose one of those by "pushing it" with tank mates.
Thanks for the replies! It's kind of a moot point now, as the Koi Scopas was just sold.
It would've been a risk & thought I'd see what others might think. I would've thought the Scopas would be considered more rare? Maybe one day the chance will come again, and I'll find the Chevron another home.
Thanks again!